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Getting started with Lodging reviews

When a user searches on google.com for hotels or vacation rentals, Google may show a rich snippet that includes summary info from user reviews. Reviews may also display in a prominent knowledge panel with details about a business that match the query.

Third parties can provide review data to Google to be displayed on Search. Third-party and first-party review data will be ranked, displayed, and formatted with equal treatment.


Hotel reviews data is provided to Google via structured data feeds. Third parties will need to be configured by Google for the data to be displayed. If you already have a relationship with Google or the Google Hotels ecosystem you can send third-party reviews to Google. Learn How to send third-party reviews to Google.

Google’s Hotel Center partners are subject to additional content policies for submitting third-party reviews to Google.

If you’re interested in participating in Lodging reviews, get started by submitting this interest form and reviewing these starter guides:

You can opt out of having content from your site displayed in certain Google properties. Learn how to opt out of display on Google Local and other Google properties.

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