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VR partners: Starter guide

VR partners (Step 4: Customize your landing pages)

A depiction of a hotel partner setting up their booking pages.

Partners are expected to provide at least one landing page URL template in their landing page setup. You can define how Google constructs the link so it includes additional information about the user and their itinerary. For Vacation Rentals, you can include information such as the hotel ID, occupancy, and check-in dates in the URL. Learn more about managing and updating your landing pages.

In order to provide a seamless experience for users, partners should consider the following guidelines when setting up their landing page:

  • If you plan to use brands, you will be associating your landing pages with corresponding brand configurations. Display names cannot be defined for these landing pages and must be defined within the brand configuration. 
  • Landing pages should load in a reasonable time (less than 3 seconds is recommended), and appear fully functional. Google will consider a page to be non-functional if a user is unable to interact with it for more than 10 seconds.
  • To ensure the best user experience, all booking-related information should be immediately available (for example, check-in date, length of stay, and number of occupants). Learn more about our referral experience policy.
  • At least one landing page template should cover every user as a default template. Separate landing page URL templates can be created for specific audiences based on country, language, and other user attributes.

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