How to check your Google Play Points level and benefits

When you earn points in a calendar year, your points add up to put you at a certain level. The more points you earn, the higher your level becomes. The higher your level is, the more points, perks and benefits you can get.

Play Points availability, award levels and multiplier rates differ by country. Play Points isn't available in all countries.

Google Play Points and benefits by level

Level # of points that you
need to have
Points earned for
every 17 ZAR spent
Additional benefits
Bronze 0–149 1 point
  • In-game points events
  • Book multipliers
Silver 150–599 1.1 points
  • In-game points events
  • Book multipliers
  • Silver weekly prizes
Gold 600–2,999 1.2 points
  • In-game points events
  • Book multipliers
  • Gold weekly prizes
Platinum 3,000 or above 1.4 points
  • In-game points events
  • Book multipliers
  • Platinum weekly prizes
  • Premium support

How to check your Google Play Points level

You’ll also be able to check how many Google Play Points you have, how many points you need to reach the next level, your base earning rate and how long you’ll remain at your current level if you don’t earn enough points to get to the next level.

How your level progresses

When you reach a new level, you stay at that level until the end of the next calendar year. At the start of each calendar year, your level may change based on how many points that you earned the previous year.

Here’s an example of how your level might change from 2021 to 2022:

  • In the calendar year 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021, you reach the Gold level. You’ll stay at Gold until the end of the next calendar year (31 December 2022), even if you don’t earn any points.
  • From 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022, if you earn:
    • 150 points, you’ll start 1 January 2023 at the Silver level. 
    • 600 points, you’ll start 1 January 2023 at the Gold level.
    • 3,000 points, you’ll start 1 January 2023 at the Platinum level.

Premium Support for Platinum or Diamond status Play Points users

You can get additional support benefits if you have a Platinum or Diamond status in Google Play Points. Learn how to get Platinum or Diamond status.

  • Jump ahead of the waiting list for Play issues. When you call or chat with our support team, you’ll automatically be prioritised and get less waiting time. 
  • Chat with an expert from a dedicated support team. If you have Platinum or Diamond status, you’ll immediately get matched with specially selected agents from a team dedicated to support Platinum or Diamond status users.

Tip: Google Play can't guarantee waiting times. All support benefits are subject to availability.


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