Apps & Games content ratings on Google Play

Content ratings for apps and games help you understand an app's maturity.

Ratings are the responsibility of the app developers and the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC). In South Korea, ratings have been approved by the Game Rating Administration Committee (GRAC).

How Google Play uses ratings

We use content ratings to:

  • Inform you of potentially objectionable content within an app.
  • Block or filter your content in certain territories or to specific users where required.

What content ratings tell you about an app or game

Age-based ratings & description

Content ratings are used to describe the minimum maturity level of content in apps. However, content ratings don't tell you whether an app is designed for users of a specific age.

Ratings are typically based on a number of factors, including sexual content, violence, drugs, gambling, and profane language.

Tap Read more on an app's details page to find a description of why the app got its rating.

Interactive features

In the "Read more" section on the app's details page, you can learn more about the app's interactive features. This includes things like whether an app shares a user's location, or if it allows users to interact with each other. An app's interactive features are separate from its content rating.

Unrated apps

Not all apps in the Google Play store have a rating. Unrated apps are treated like high-maturity apps for the purpose of parental controls until they get a rating.

If you set up parental controls to restrict apps and games to a certain rating, you won't find any Unrated apps in the Play Store app.

To learn more ways to find content that's appropriate for your family, including setting up parental controls, read the Parent Guide to Google Play.

Find content ratings

You can find content ratings for apps and games on the app's detail page under the app title.

To learn more about an app's content rating, tap Read more. This shows more information about the maturity level of the content, and the app's interactive features.

Rating standards by country or region

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