
The Adobe Digital Editions export service is unavailable for previously downloaded EPUBs at this time. We're working to resolve this issue. You can still access new EPUB downloads or use the Play Books Android and iOS apps to read any book offline.

How to download books from Google Play

You can download ebooks from Google Play Books so you can read them anywhere, even when you don't have an internet connection.

How to download books on an iPhone or iPad

  1. Make sure your iPhone or iPad is connected to the internet.
  2. On a mobile browser, like Safari, open
  3. Sign in to the same Google Account as the one you have on your Google Play Books app.
  4. Tap the book you want to download.
  • On Android (version 2023.04.17.00 and up), you can download multiple books at once. Tap and hold a book, select more books, and then tap Download Download.
  • To remove downloaded books, tap and hold to select multiple books and tap Remove download .

Download using Wi-Fi only

To avoid data charges, you can download ebooks using Wi-Fi only. To turn this feature on or off:

  1. On your phone or tablet, open the Google Play Books app Play Books.
  2. At the top right, tap your profile picture.
  3. Tap Play Books Settings and then Download only over Wi-Fi.
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