Review in-app subscription performance

On your subscriptions dashboard, you can see your app's total, new, and canceled subscriptions over time, along with revenue details.

Note: Test orders from licensed testers aren’t included in subscription reporting.

Set up your app's dashboard

  1. Open Play Console and go to the Subscriptions overview page (Financial reports > Subscription > Overview).
  2. At the top of your screen, under "Configure report," select the product(s), countries, and time period that you want to view data for.

Subscription view

All subscription performance metrics can be shown in three different views, corresponding to the subscription, base plan and offer objects within your subscription:

  1. Subscription view: This is the default view, and it shows performance for the full lifetime of a user's subscription, regardless of any changes they make to base plans or offers
  2. Base plan view: This view allows you to drill down into the performance of each base plan within a subscription – for example, comparing the performance of an annual versus a monthly base plan. It ignores any changes that users make to offers
  3. Offer view: This view allows you to drill down into and compare the performance of each offer within a base plan

To switch between views, in the "Configure report" section at the top of the page, click Change view, choose your preferred view, and click Save


View detailed reports

You can view detailed retention and cancellation reports for any of your app’s subscriptions by selecting the report link at the bottom of each card.

How to use this dashboard with other Play Console resources

  • Subscriptions dashboard: Includes all available data related to subscriptions.
  • Financial reports: Include revenue from app sales, in-app products, and subscriptions.

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