Submitters should answer "Yes" only if the app transmits the user's current, precise location to other people. Broad location information (for example, "New York City," "Germany," "Leicester Square") is not specific enough to be considered precise. Essentially, if users of the app could find each other in the real world based on information provided by the app, then this question should be marked "Yes."
This includes apps that share users' locations within the app itself (for example, an app that displays the location of all users of the app on a map) or broadcast users' location data to other apps (for example, an app posting your location to a social network).
Submitters should not say "Yes" if the app merely uses the users' location but does not share it with others. Examples of functions that would not trigger a "Yes" to this question would be accessing a user's location to provide driving instruction, using a user's location to recommend nearby restaurants or other places of interest, or using a user's location to select a default language of the app.