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Blood and Gore

This section describes how much blood and/or gore is associated with the acts of violence.


While there is some blood, its use is constrained to very limited and purposeful uses.

Examples include the following:

  • Infrequent pools of static blood in a crime-solving game indicating to the player that a murder took place at that location
  • Brief puffs of blood in a shooting game that indicate to the player that the target has been hit
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There is more blood than just the minimum required to communicate an event (such as that seen at the Mild/Limited level) or some mild dismemberment, but some restraint in the volume, frequency, and realism is still shown.

Examples include the following:

  • A shooting game that shows brief puffs of blood to indicate that the target was hit, and also bloodstains appear on the surface of the character and on the surface of the wall behind the target
  • Explosions that cause characters to burst into small chunks that are somewhat distant from the viewer
  • Frequent depictions of large bloodstains on the floor
  • A game that allows the player to continue triggering blood effects on dead bodies
  • A depiction of an impalement with limited blood
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Blood and/or gore are major components of the game. Whether by sheer volume, realism of the depiction, or intensity, the level of blood and/or gore in these games stands out.

Examples include:

  • A fighting game that allows the winner of each match to dismember the opponent
  • A depiction of large sprays of blood after someone is slashed with a sword
  • A scene depicting the dismemberment of a character with graphic detail
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