Get discovered on Google Play search

Google Play search is a key tool for users to find relevant and popular apps for Android devices. Ensuring that your app and store listing is thorough and optimized is an important factor in getting discovered by users on Google Play.

Build a comprehensive store listing

The text in your store listing helps users discover your app. It's also an important part of creating a compelling store listing. Consider the following tips when optimizing your app’s store listing on Google Play:


  • Your title should be unique and accessible, avoid common terms, and reinforce what your app is about.
  • Keep your title focused. Long titles may be shortened on some devices that your users are browsing on.
  • Avoid using subtle misspellings of general terms, as users may end up correcting misspelled search terms.
  • Avoid using excessive emoji or ascii characters in your title. Users of programs like screen readers or voice control software will encounter issues when excessive emoji or ascii text is used.


  • Focus on your users and what they will get from your app.
  • Review your app’s description on the Google Play app and web store to ensure that the most important text is visible on the top half of the web page where the users don't have to scroll down.
  • Use SEO best practices in your "Description," but be mindful of the Google Play Content Policies regarding spam and IP Infringement (for example, keyword spamming, impersonation, etc.).
  • Avoid using excessive emoji or ascii characters in your description. Users of programs like screen readers or voice control software will encounter issues when excessive emoji or ascii text is used.

Promo Text

  • Provide a short, one-line description of your app experience. 

Graphic and Image Assets

App icons, images, and screenshots help make your app stand out in search results, categories, and featured app lists.

While not all graphic assets are required in your store listing, it is recommended to add quality screenshots that showcase your app’s supported platforms (for example, phone, 7-inch tablet, 10-inch tablet).

Ensure each screenshot includes unique alt text. Alt text makes it easier for screen reader users to follow the purpose for each image included in your post. Use this as an opportunity to communicate to someone who can’t see your screenshots and help them understand what your app can do in one or two sentences.

Diversify your audience

Localize your store listing

Google provides automated machine translations of store listings that you don't explicitly define for your app. However, using a professional translation service for your "Description" can lead to better search results and discoverability for worldwide users. In Play Console, you can purchase human text translations from a third-party vendor.

Additional search factors

Create a great user experience

Google Play search factors in the overall experience of your app based on user behavior and feedback. Apps are ranked based on a combination of ratings, reviews, downloads, and other factors. While the details of these weights and values are a proprietary part of the Google search algorithm, you can work to improve your app’s visibility by:

  • Building a lasting and meaningful experience for your users
  • Maintaining and improving your app through regular updates
  • Encouraging users to provide feedback in the form of ratings and comments
  • Providing great customer service by responding to your users and addressing issues

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