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Oct 17, 2023

Pixel Watch 2 randomly reboots

I've had my Pixel Watch 2 for a few days now. Around once a day, the device will just restart without warning or input from me. It also takes a chunk of battery each time this happens -- the most recent event made the battery drop from 72% -> 65%.

It's not an ideal situation. If this happens in the middle of a workout or during sleep tracking, I'd be pretty annoyed.

I've seen other posts online from people with the same issue. But there's no consensus or acknowledgement by Google if it's a software bug (that could be fixable) or a hardware defect (that would require RMA).
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Recommended Answer
Oct 17, 2023
I'd recommend a factory reset of the device, set it back up and see if the same thing happens. Report back your results 
Last edited Oct 17, 2023
Gold Product Expert DennyL recommended this
Original Poster User 12475593887973084242 marked this as an answer
All Replies (9)
Recommended Answer
Oct 17, 2023
I'd recommend a factory reset of the device, set it back up and see if the same thing happens. Report back your results 
Last edited Oct 17, 2023
Gold Product Expert DennyL recommended this
Original Poster User 12475593887973084242 marked this as an answer
Feb 12, 2024
The new unit has been mostly good so far.  I had some early battery life issues, but these have settled down.  The only weird thing was when I put my watch on the charger last night (it had around 40% life left), it rebooted on the charger.  Hopefully, it was a one-off, but I'll be checking it throughout the day and mention it here if it happens again.
Feb 12, 2024
Sounds good!
Nov 3, 2023
I have the exactly same problem, random reboot with abound 10% of battery gone each time. It happens every few days.
Nov 7, 2023
How do you do a factory reset of the watch
Nov 7, 2023
On the watch, settings, system, scroll down to disconnect and reset
Nov 14, 2023
Also having the same problem. Watch has rebooted twice this week while I was asleep. Each time, this posed a significant problem as my alarm that I had set did not go off until after I woke up and unlocked the watch. The alarm, quite unhelpfully, did go off at that time so even though the time had passed, the watch was clearly aware that it had missed the mark.

Utterly unacceptable. Please advise. 
Mar 6, 2024
I have the same problem. I already did a factory reset and no good.  My loyalty to Google products is beginning to bye bye.
Mar 7, 2024
The best plan would be to contact pixel watch support here: 
Keep going in the troubleshooting process until you reach the option to call or chat.
Nov 22, 2023
I'm having the same issue. Happens once/twice a day. Not nice for a $ 400 device. And I agree that when it happens during a workout or during sleeping is specially annoying. 
Any news from Google on this? Please tell me you've found a software issue and that you are working on a fix.
Jan 28, 2024
It rebooted randomly yesterday and twice today.  This has been by-far the worst smart watch I have had.  I hate to say it, but I am missing my Pixel Watch even though that seemed under powered (would stall at times while counting steps).
Jan 28, 2024
The best plan would be to contact pixel watch support here: 
Keep going in the troubleshooting process until you reach the option to call or chat.
Nov 23, 2023
Mine is doing the same. 5th time now at least, during an almost 3 mile walk. Just over 2 miles it rebooted. Usually it's when I'm just sitting around. Truly a remarkable device. 
Jan 8, 2024
That's great news, thanks for the suggestion
Jan 10, 2024
I tried everything mentioned on this site (restart, update apps etc.) and finally contacted Google Support.  The agent wanted me to redo all the things I had already done, but then wanted me to do a "fast reboot".  A fast reboot involves a normal restart, but tapping the top left and bottom right of the screen at the appropriate moment.  Whoever in Google decided on that combination of taps was a good idea must be left-handed.

When I failed to be able to do the fast reboot, the agent said she would escalate the problem.

A few hours later I got an email asking for my address.  I provided it and was then asked for Proof of Purchase.

A few days later I got an excited email stating that an "RMA had been raised" and I must return watch, strap and charger.

I waited a few days, assuming that my address was required to send me a return courier bag.  When nothing arrived I contacted Google Support with a list of questions include where to send (Australia, USA or elsewhere), whether the replacement would be new or refurbished, and how I would have to be without my watch and phone (LTE).

The answers were: send it to the USA to get a Refurb replacement and it would take 5-7 business days "from start to finish".  They also said that they had provided "Shipping labels" in that email.  However, the attachment was a barcode insert to put in the packet containing the RMA and serial numbers.

At his point I was more the 10 business days from Start to Finish, and Google still hadn't provided me with an address or package to post it.  Unlikely that it if it takes that long to send shipping documentation from the US to Australia that the turnaround would be achieved in 5-7 days.

So, I did what I should have done in the first place.  I went back to the large retailer that sold it to me and in less than 5 minutes was offered a refund or replacement.  The replacement is working fine.

For me, Google support has been a joke.  

Dec 21, 2023
Same Thing Here, the watch reboots at 65% battery i discovered
Jan 12, 2024
The best plan would be to contact pixel watch support here: 
Keep going in the troubleshooting process until you reach the option to call or chat.
Jan 12, 2024
Is there any log? Diagnostic app where I can find info?
Feb 12, 2024
Happening to me as well. I've had it happen as much as 85%. I just lost data from my evening walk because as I was walking in the door, I noticed the watch was rebooting. I've done the factory reset. Doesn't help. Recommended answer is wrong. This is clearly a software issue. When can we expect an update and fix? 
Feb 12, 2024
This really is bad Benjamin in all honesty. I've just had mine replaced under warranty and Google didn't even question it because in my opinion they know there's an underlying issue. Not seen my new watch reboot yet but I'm not hopeful really. As the last poster above says I think it's a software issue either with Fitbit or the OS itself, this really is unacceptable from Google as these watches aren't cheap
Feb 12, 2024
I'm sorry but we aren't Google employees, we are just volunteers. Support is your best bet.

Sorry we can't help more.
Feb 24, 2024
I've had this happen to me often still. More often I've noticed after a workout which is when it's most frustrating since I want it to keep monitoring and I'll find that it's crashed without any notice or notification on my phone or buzz on my wrist letting me know it's happened and I should unlock it. 
Feb 24, 2024
Everyone keeps saying that and everyone keeps saying that they contact Google. Google sends out a replacement, and the replacement does the exact same thing. This is a software problem
Feb 24, 2024
Leave feedback in the pixel watch app, that report goes to the team to review.
Mar 4, 2024
I noticed that these random reboots started for me when I enabled unlocking my phone with my watch. When this option is disabled, the watch works properly. 
Mar 4, 2024
On the watch, settings, security, watch unlock
Mar 4, 2024
Yeah I found it just after I posted Benjamin! It's in the watch app on the phone.
When I checked to see if I had enabled it I hadn't so I'm not actually sure if this is the issue.
I personally have always thought it's a software issue with Fitbit to be honest
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