Manage recurring payments & subscriptions

To manage payments for recurring charges on subscriptions and other services:

  1. Sign in to Subscriptions.
  2. Find the product you want to view.
  3. Select Manage.
Types of payments

Depending on the Google product or service, your recurring payments fall into one of these 5 categories:

  • Automatic payments: When you owe a certain amount of money, your payment method is automatically charged.
  • Automatic monthly payments: Your payment method is charged at the same time every month.
  • Manual payments: You can pay a fee in advance for a product or service you’ll get or use later.
  • Monthly invoicing: After you get your monthly invoice, you pay the bill within a set amount of time.
  • Prepaid plans: You can pay a fee to use a product or service for a set time.
    • The plan doesn't automatically renew.
    • You can extend the plan through the app or in the Play Store app's "Subscriptions" section.

Manage your automatic payment method

Change your automatic payment method
  1. Sign in to Subscriptions.
  2. Find the subscription you want to edit and select Manage.
  3. Under the card you’re currently using to pay, select Change payment method. If you don’t see this option, select Manage payment methods.
  4. Choose a payment method.
  5. Choose Submit.
Set a backup payment method
  1. Sign in to Subscriptions.
  2. Find the subscription you want to edit and select Manage.
  3. Under the card you’re currently using to pay, select Change payment method. If you don’t see this option, select Manage payment methods.
  4. Choose Update backup payment method.
  5. Choose a payment method.
  6. Choose Submit.

Tip: Some payment methods can't be used for subscriptions.

Cancel a subscription

If you cancel a subscription, any payments you've already made won't be refunded. Cancellations can't be undone, but you can always re-subscribe.

Cancel a subscription in Google Pay
  1. Sign in to Subscriptions.
  2. Find the subscription you want to cancel.
  3. Select Manage.
  4. Select Cancel subscription.
    • If "Cancel subscription" option is unavailable: Go to the Google product you subscribed to, select Manage subscription.
      • You can cancel the subscription there.
    • If both options are unavailable: Cancel through the subscription provider.
Cancel a subscription in Google Play

Important: When you uninstall an app, your subscription won’t cancel.

  1. On your device, go to Subscriptions in Google Play.
  2. For the subscription you want to cancel, select Manage.
  3. Select Cancel subscription.
  4. Within the confirmation pop-up, select a reason.
  5. Select Continue.

Tip: If you have a subscription with an app and it’s removed from Google Play, your future subscription will be cancelled. Your past subscriptions can’t be refunded, with some exceptions as specified in this article or in Google Play’s refund policies. For more info, refer to cancel or change a subscription on Google Play.

Find canceled subscriptions
  1. Sign in to Subscriptions.
  2. At the top of the page, select Canceled.

Make an early payment

If you want to pay a bill early for some recurring charges, you can make a payment directly from your payments profile.

  1. Sign in to Subscriptions.
  2. Find the subscription you want to pay for and select Manage.
  3. Choose Pay early.
Extend a prepaid plan
You can choose to extend your plan if you don't want to change your prepaid plan to a recurring payment.
To extend a prepaid subscription plan:
  1. Go to
  2. Check if you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.
  3. At the left, click My subscriptions.
  4. Select the prepaid plan you want to extend.
  5. Click Manage and then Extend.
  6. When a confirmation pop-up appears, click Yes.

Fix issues in managing recurring payments and subscriptions

Can’t verify payment method

If you're in the European Economic Area (EEA):

  • To add or edit your payment methods, you have to go through additional verification steps.
  • If you have problems when you verify your payment methods, try these steps.
Can’t find missing subscriptions

You’re currently signed in as . If this isn't the Google Account that has your subscriptions, switch to the correct account and check the following:

  • The email you use with the subscription app can be different from your Google Account.
  • To find where you added the subscription, check your other email accounts and find the receipt of the subscription.
Payment method is declined

If you can't make a payment, try to update your payment method.

  1. Go to
  2. At the top, select Payment methods.
  3. Next to the payment method you want to update, select Edit.
    • If "Edit" is unavailable, remove the payment method and add it again.
  4. To update an expired card, select Fix.
  5. Enter the month (MM), year (YY), and security code.

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