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Fix issues when you send, receive, or transfer money (Singapore only)

Use this info to fix common issues in Google Pay when you:
  • Send or receive money.
  • Add or transfer out money.

Fix problems when you send money

Bank account is missing or didn’t link
Transaction pending
  1. Make sure you and the person you send money to have a reliable internet or mobile connection.
  2. If the transaction is still pending after a few hours, contact your bank for help.
Cancel a transaction
If you send money to the wrong person:
  • Contact the recipient and ask them to cancel the transaction.
  • Contact your bank and ask them for help.
Can’t find transaction info
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. Tap See all payment activity.
  3. Tap the transaction you want to find more details for.
Remove a bank account
If you no longer want to use your bank account with Google Pay, you can remove a bank account.
Can’t send money

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