Improve what shows for you on Google News

You can have Google News show more of the kinds of stories that you want and fewer of those that you don’t. Personalisation can help you see content that interests you more easily and quickly.

You can teach Google News what you want to read by using it. More use helps 'For you' get better. You can also directly tell Google News what you like.

Note: This feature is only available if you're signed in to your Google Account.


Choose what stories to get

Follow an interest

  1. At the top, search for the topic, place or publication that you want to follow.
    • You can also select a topic from the menu at the top.
  2. At the top right, click Follow.

 Tip: To find all the interests that you follow, from the menu at the top, click Following.

Unfollow an interest

If you no longer want to get updates or news about a topic, place or publication:

  1. At the top, use the search bar to find the interest that you want to unfollow.
  2. At the top, click Following.


  1. From the menu on the left, click Following.
  2. Next to the interest that you want to unfollow, click More More and then Remove from library.

Like or unlike a story

If you want to get more or fewer stories about a certain topic or source:

  1. Point to a story’s headline.
  2. Under the headline, next to the name of the source, click More More.
    • To get more stories like it: Click More stories like this.
    • To get fewer stories like it: Click Fewer stories like this.

Hide stories from a source

  1. Find a story from the source you no longer want to get updates from.
  2. Point to the story’s headline or title and click More More and then Hide all stories from [source] Hide this source.

Find what you want on Google News

You can find different kinds of coverage on Google News, including:

  • Subjects with the same coverage for readers
  • Stories picked based on your settings and activity

Learn how to find what you want on Google News.

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