Verificare o modificare le impostazioni di Google News

Nota: questa funzionalità è disponibile soltanto se hai eseguito l'accesso al tuo Account Google.

Puoi modificare le tue impostazioni di Google News, ad esempio: 

  • Lingua e area geografica
  • Dimensioni del testo
  • Combinazione di colori
  • Opzioni di riproduzione video

Modificare le impostazioni nell'app

  1. Open your Google News app App Google News.
  2. In the top right, tap your Profile picture or initial e poi News settings .
  3. Tap the setting you want to change.

Settings you can change

Important: You can change settings like Dark theme from your device's settings app.

Based on your device and app version, you can change settings like:

  • Languages & regions of interest: Find news for up to 2 languages and regions.
  • Temperature units: Choose Fahrenheit or Celsius.
  • Autoplay videos: Choose if and how often you want to play videos automatically. You can autoplay videos always, never, or only on Wi-Fi.
  • Article text size: Make words small, normal, or large.
  • Sources and topics you get less of: If you chose not to get a source or topic, you can choose to get it again.
  • Default apps: Pick your default apps like browser, email app, and maps app.
  • Notifications: Manage the type of notifications you want to get and their frequency. Learn how to manage your News notification settings.

Find & control your Web & App Activity

  1. Open your Google News app .
  2. In the top right, tap your Profile picture or initial e poi My Activity.

Learn how to control your Web & App Activity.

Personalize your Google News content

You can set Google News to show more stories that you like and fewer that you don’t. Learn how to customize what you find on Google News.

Salvare notizie da leggere in un secondo momento

Se vuoi leggere gli articoli in un secondo momento, salvali. Scopri come salvare le notizie.

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