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Can't find or identify device in Family Wi-Fi

When you create a Family Wi-Fi group, all of the devices currently and recently connected to your Wi-Fi network should be listed. Some devices might display some hard to identify names. For example, a phone or computer might be shown as “a738b00002.” If you’re having trouble identifying a specific device, follow the steps below.

Note: You can only add a device to one group. If you’ve previously added a device to a group, that device will no longer show among your devices when you create a group.

With the Google Home app

There are a couple of ways to try to identify a device:

Compare MAC address of your device to the devices listed in the Google Home app (Recommended)

  1. Open the Google Home app .
  2. Tap Favorites  and then Wifi  and then Devices. Devices that are currently connected and used most often are listed towards the top.
  3. Tap the device you want to know more about to check it’s MAC address.
  4. Most devices will display a MAC or IP address in the device’s settings (not in the Google Wifi or Google Home app). Compare these numbers to the numbers shown in the Google Home app. If they match, you’ve identified your device.
Disconnect and check
  1. Open the Google Home app .
  2. Tap Favorites  and then Wifi  and then Devices.
  3. You will find a list of your connected devices. Devices that are currently connected and used most often are listed towards the top. 
  4. Disconnect the device in question from the Wi-Fi network, then wait a couple of minutes. If a device name disappears from the list, you’ll know it was the device you disconnected.

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