الصفحة التي طلبتها غير متوفرة بلغتك حاليًا. يمكنك اختيار لغة مختلفة في أسفل الصفحة أو ترجمة أي صفحة ويب على الفور إلى لغة من اختيارك، وذلك باستخدام ميزة الترجمة المضمّنة في Google Chrome.

Create and manage Routines in Google Home

Routines are a series of actions for your home devices that help you and your household automate tasks throughout the day.

For example, when you create:

  • A Personal Routine that starts when you say, “Hey Google, good morning,” Google Assistant turns on your compatible smart lights, tells you about the weather, lists your calendar events for the day, and plays news.
  • A Personal Routine that makes an Announcement at a certain time of the day on your chosen Home devices.
  • A Household Routine where Google Home turns on your connected porch light and sets the thermostat to 75°F everyday at sunset.
  • A Household Routine that starts when anyone turns on the living room TV, and then Google Assistant performs a custom command, like “Turn on the amplifier.”

Create a Personal Routine for your specific needs or a Household Routine for everyone in your home.

Routines are only available in select regions and languages.

Android iPhone & iPad

Create a Routine

Important: If you set up Digital Wellbeing, Routines might be restricted by Downtime, filters, or Do Not Disturb. You can create a Routine for yourself or everyone in your home.

Manage a Routine

To manage a third-party app automation, use the app that created it. Learn more about third-party app automations in the Google Home app.

Learn about the types of Routines

Learn about starters and actions for Routines

The starters and actions available for a Routine depend on the type of Routine, connected devices, settings, and other limitations.

Create and edit advanced home automations using additional starters, actions, and conditions with script editor. Learn more about the script editor and how to create advanced Routines.

Fix issues with Routines

If you’re having issues with the creation or management of your Routines, learn how to troubleshoot your Google Home automations.

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