
If you need camera support on a non-Pixel phone, visit the Camera from Google Help Centre

Fix your Camera app on your Pixel phone or tablet

If your camera causes issues on your phone or tablet, try these steps to fix the problem.

After each step, open your Camera app and check whether it fixed the issue. If not, try the next step. 

To get camera help, activate Google Assistant on your Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro and say, 'I'm having issues with my camera'. Learn more about Pixel support on Assistant.

Important: Pixel 6 Pro and Pixel 7 Pro have a larger camera that uses additional components to focus quickly. If you shake the phone, the camera may make a slight rattling noise. This is normal and expected behaviour. On Pixel 6, you may hear it on the main camera.

Step 1: Clean your camera's lens and laser

To clean the camera lens and laser sensor, wipe them gently with a soft, clean cloth.

  • If your photos and videos seem hazy or the camera won’t focus, clean the camera lens.
  • Some Pixel phones have a laser sensor. If your phone has a laser sensor, also clean the sensor. Find where your lens and sensor are located for your Pixel phone or Nexus device.

Tip: Your camera might let you know if it senses that your lens is dirty. Learn how to turn off dirty lens warnings.

Step 2: Restart your phone or tablet
  1. Turn your phone or tablet off.
    • On Pixel 5a and earlier: Press and hold the power button for a few seconds. Then, on your screen, tap Power off Power.
    • On Pixel 6 and later (including Pixel Fold and Pixel Tablet): Press and hold the Power and Volume up buttons for a few seconds. Then, on your screen, tap Power off Power.
  2. After your device turns off, press and hold the power button until it turns back on.
Step 3: Clear the Camera app's cache
  1. Locate the Camera app.
  2. Press and hold the Camera app icon.
  3. Tap App info.
  4. Tap Storage and cache and then Clear cache.

Tip: You can check other camera apps on your phone or tablet. If other apps crash when accessing the camera, it’s likely to be a hardware issue. Get started with a repair.

Step 4: Update your apps

Check if an update for the Camera app is available:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app Google Play.
  2. At the top right, tap the Profile icon.
  3. Tap Manage apps and devices.
  4. Under 'Updates available', install any updates available for Pixel Camera.

Check if an Android system update is available:

  1. Open your device's Settings app.
  2. Tap System and then Software updates.
  3. Tap System update and then Check for update.
Step 5: Check if other apps cause the problem
  1. Turn your phone or tablet off.
    • On Pixel 5a and earlier: Press and hold the power button for a few seconds. Then, on your screen, tap Power off Power.
    • On Pixel 6 and later (including Pixel Fold and Pixel Tablet): Press and hold the Power and Volume up buttons for a few seconds. Then, on your screen, tap Power off Power.
  2. After your phone or tablet turns off, press and hold the power button until it turns back on.
  3. Your phone or tablet starts in safe mode. The words 'Safe mode' show at the bottom of your screen.
  4. Open your camera and check if the camera is working.
    • If the camera app works in safe mode, another app might cause the problem.
      1. To turn off safe mode, restart your phone or tablet.
      2. Uninstall your most recently downloaded app.
      3. Open your camera and check if you fixed the issue. If not, repeat the previous step.
      4. If you fixed the problem, reinstall any apps that you removed before the last app.
    • If the Camera app doesn’t work in safe mode, learn more ways to fix an app.

Still have camera problems on your Pixel phone or tablet?

For possible solutions to other issues with your phone’s camera, you can post questions on the Google Pixel Help Community or the Pixel Tablet Help Community.

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