Faculty managing student credits directly

How do I apply for the Google Cloud credits program?

Faculty members can apply through our online form.

What is the deadline date for applications?

We will accept applications on an ongoing basis. However, we will not approve courses that begin more than one calendar year from the date of your application, and applications take up to 15 business days to process.

If approved, what are the next steps to get the credits for the program?

If approved, the faculty member will receive two notifications by email, one for the student credits and one for the instructor credits. We highly recommend that the instructor redeems their credit immediately to ensure there are no issues. Learn more about redeeming credits here.

Student and TA Credits: The email regarding student credits will contain a URL where other teaching staff and students can request a coupon code (limit is one per student email address). It is the responsibility of the faculty member to distribute the URL to the students so they can request a coupon. A faculty member can request additional credits from this address for teaching staff or students who require more.

Instructor Credit: The email regarding the instructor credit will contain the actual coupon code. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to apply that code to their account. With instructor help, a person may redeem up to three coupons per course and they must be used for the course which they applied for.

Can a faculty member apply for more than once under the Google Cloud credits program to cover multiple classes/groups?

Yes. Each course needs its own submission so we can review the information about the course. A faculty member can combine multiple sections of the same course in one term in a single request. If a faculty member would like separate student URLs for the different course sections, we advise you to submit each section as its own course. A faculty member can submit up to 3 courses on a single application.

When can students start accessing the URL to get coupons?

Coupons can be requested from the URL as soon as it’s provided to you.

For how long can the coupons be redeemed (e.g. claimed for credit in Google Cloud)?

Coupons can be redeemed up to 16 weeks after the start date of a course as indicated on the application form.

How long do the credits last?

Once redeemed, the credits will be available for use in your Google Cloud account for 12 months after the start date of a course as indicated on the educational credit email.

How many coupons can be redeemed by one person?

Any single user can only redeem up to three coupon codes per course. In addition, students can only request one coupon code per course. Faculty members who need additional coupons for students can contact the Google Cloud EDU Credits team for assistance at CloudEduGrants@google.com.

What if a student runs out of money in their Google Cloud account from their redeemed coupon?

There is a retrieval limit of one coupon per student per course (the URL will not allow a student to download any further coupons). The student will need to contact the faculty member administering the course for help. The faculty member can request additional coupons from the Google Cloud credits program team by emailing CloudEduGrants@google.com.

Check out this guide for more information on Monitoring Billing Accounts.

My student can't create projects using their school email address.

Students will need a school-branded email address that contains your school’s domain in order to receive a coupon. This helps to ensure that only students from your school—and not simply anyone with the credits program URL—are accessing your coupons.

Once students have received a coupon, they can apply it to any Google account (which may be a Gmail or G Suite for Education account). Students can use this account to log in to the Cloud Console and access the cloud.

In some cases, these two accounts are the same. For example, if you're at a Google Workspace for Education school, the student email address is already a Google account, and so it can be used to log into the Cloud Console. However, your Google Workspace administrator will have to turn on the Google Developer Console for students. This can be found within Additional Google services. If you are not sure that this option has been turned on, it is much safer to use a Gmail account.

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