6 nov. 2024

GoogleHypersonic requests


We noticed a huge number of requests done by Google Datacenter ip addresses, with user agent ending with "GoogleHypersonic (via doubleclick.net)", and with the url ending by "&gb=2".

Are those requests a new crawler, or a new way of tracking the clicks in server to server?

Are those requests billed in our Google Ads campaigns ?

Can you provide us a documentation? The current documentation for Google Parallel Tracking doesn't mention gb=2 requests.

Best regards,
Florian Fauvarque
Software Engineer - Tracking stream - KelkooGroup
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8 nov. 2024
Hi Florian.

We have experienced the same. 

Throughout most of 2024, we didn't receive any parallel tracking calls. However, starting September 17, 2024, we suddenly began receiving these calls regularly, even, we, as a CSS, are opted out of parallel tracking.

The number is parallel tracking calls has been increasing lately, with around 20-25% per day in the last days and with some Merchant Center Accounts, getting 50% of the traffic via parallel tracking.

I hope someone can give us a clear explanation of what is going on.

Best regards


Manuel - CEO Globerada

Dernière modification : 8 nov. 2024
8 nov. 2024
Hi Florian,

We would like to report that we are experiencing the identical issue described by others regarding "GoogleHypersonic" requests. 

On our CSS, Cleobi, we have been noticing these requests since October 31, even though parallel tracking is disabled on our account. 

These requests appear to be charged but do not redirect to our clients’ sites.

We would appreciate any information or guidance you could provide to help resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Jacopo - COO, Cleobi
12 nov. 2024
This is what I got from one of my Google contact:

I checked internally, there's a new launch happening for third-party clicktrackers. Basically, this launch introduces Google server-originated hits instead of user browsers with the .sendBeacon() function with the appeded gb=2 parameter. They're also figuring out ways for click trackers to confirm the hits are from Google. I'm already asking about their plans to announce this publicly, I will keep you posted.

Do you think the ambition is to continue the roll-out of this feature throughout November / December ? Does that mean we need to prepare for a situation where there will soon be no gb=1 requests, only gb=2 requests ?

Yes, it is expected that they will continue the roll out in the following weeks.

As this is a disruptive change, can we be opted out from this change, so that our performance during the shopping season is not affected ?

As it turns out, there is no opt-out functionality, moreover the product team is working to have everything ready before the peak season.

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