Location targeting

Add a new location target to a campaign

If a campaign has no targeted locations, the ads in that campaign can show in all locations. To avoid unwanted ad impressions, be sure to review the Locations tab before posting your campaigns.

To add a new location, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Targeting tab, then select the Locations tab.
  2. Click Add location. If prompted, select the campaign where you'd like to add the new location.
  3. Enter your location in one of the following ways:
    • Click Edit/find location to search for and select the location (recommended).
    • Enter the location ID in the format ID:n, where n is a valid location ID.
    • Type the location name in the Location field, then resolve the location before posting.
    • To add proximity targeting (such as 50 miles around a given map point), you must use a CSV import.
  4. Optional: Enter a bid adjustment from -90 through +900, inclusive.
    • A bid adjustment of -90% reduces the bid by 90%, to 10% of the original bid. Likewise, +900% increases the mobile bid to ten times the original amount. For example, suppose your ad group bid is $2.00, and the targeted location has a bid adjustment of +200. The bid used for that location will be $6.00.
New locations that show a yellow warning are in an unresolved state. Learn how to resolve locations.

How to target a radius around a location

You can set a target radius for where you want your ads to show. To set a target radius:

  1. Under Keywords and Targeting, select Locations in the type list.
  2. Click Add location.

  3. Enter campaign information. In the edit panel, under “Location groups feed,” set the distance and preferred units of measurement you want to target around your location.

    • For general geo targeting, leave the “Location groups feed” drop-down set to None (the default). Leave radius set to 0. You must specify the location name in the Location text box.

    • For radius targeting of one or all locations, choose your feed from “Location groups feed” drop-down. Enter a number for radius (this value cannot be 0). You can choose to provide a location name to further limit targeting, or leave it blank to target around all addresses in the feed.

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