Google Ads Editor version 12.2 features several updates, including Gmail asset-based ads, full support for promotion and video assets, and a new budget type option for video ads. Download the newest version of Google Ads Editor.
Gmail asset-based ads
Asset-based ads in Gmail are now fully supported in Google Ads Editor.
Campaign total budgets
Video campaigns now have the option of choosing Campaign Total budget type.
Custom rules updated
New built-in custom rules are now available for structured snippet assets and non-serving campaigns and ad groups.
Semantic location
You can now set a bid modifier to target your ads by location with Google Ads Editor.
Promotion assets
Promotion assets are now fully supported by Google Ads Editor.
Life events
“Life events” is now a category of audience targeting.
Video campaign assets
All video campaign assets are now supported.
Ad group level ad rotation
Ad groups can now be set to so ads rotate.
Expanded language targeting
Campaign language targeting in now available for Bengali, Tamil, and Telugu.