Google Ads Editor version 1.8

Learn more about new features and updates in the November 2021 release for Google Ads Editor version 1.8. Download the newest version of Google Ads Editor.

New features

Overview page

A new view has been created in Google Ads Editor, “Overview", which is similar to the Overview page in the online Google Ads Editor interface.

Auto-apply view for Recommendation

Auto-apply, a new view under Recommendations, allows you to enable or disable automatic application of certain recommendation types. Learn more about applying recommendations automatically in Google Ads

Support for asset-based call assets

Google Ads Editor now fully supports asset-based call assets, also known as "Call assets (upgraded)”.

Support for asset-based price assets

Google Ads Editor now fully supports asset-based price assets, also known as "Price assets (upgraded)”.

Support for asset-based hotel callout assets

Google Ads Editor now fully supports asset-based hotel callout assets, also known as "Hotel callout assets (upgraded)”.

Support for asset-based app assets

Google Ads Editor now fully supports asset-based app assets, also known as "App assets (upgraded)”.

Display-Gmail campaigns now read-only

Creation of Display-Gmail campaigns is no longer supported (although existing ones can still be edited). Additionally, no new ad groups can be created under this campaign type (however existing ones can still be edited), and ads for this campaign type can’t be created or edited. Only deleted, paused/unpaused, and labels can be changed).

Recommendation stat display mode update

For Recommendations, you can now choose up to four ways to display stats (for example, weekly impressions, weekly clicks):

  • Current (recommendation not applied)
  • Estimated (predicted with recommendation applied)
  • Increase (absolute difference between current and estimated)
  • % increase (percentage difference)

"Upgrade match type" recommendation for exact keyword

When you apply the "Upgrade your existing keywords to broad match" recommendation in Google Ads Editor, it now updates Exact keywords, in addition to Phrase a Broad Match Modifier (BMM).

Support for more more recommendation types

Google Ads Editor now supports the following recommendation types:

  • Use targeting expansion
  • Ad groups do not have any keywords
  • Create ads in empty ad groups
  • Move unused budgets
  • Add responsive display ads

Updated sign-in process

The sign-in process no longer requires copying and pasting a token from your browser into Google Ads Editor. Once you complete sign-in in the browser, Google Ads Editor proceeds automatically.


Changes to the Google Ads Editor sign-in process coming soon. Click here to find out what you need to do to get ahead of these changes


Conversion signals for certain recommendations

Several recommendation types now show in the "Examples of top signals" section in the edit pane.

Ad strength for Discovery

Google Ads Editor now supports the Ad strength indicator for Discovery and Discovery Carousel ads.

Note: After downloading, all ads will show “Pending” as their ad strength. Run the “Check Ad Strength” tool to retrieve detailed ad strength information.

Custom rule: Smart Bidding campaign using phrase or exact match keywords

Google Ads Editor adds alerts to new active ad groups in running Search campaigns that use Smart Bidding (including Target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximize Conversions, Maximize Conversion Value), and contain active keywords with phrase or exact match type. It’s recommended that you change all such keywords to Broad match.

Note: These alerts are limited to new ad groups in order to prevent duplication with "Upgrade keywords to broad match," a recommendation that Editor also supports.

Updates to content targeting in Video Action campaigns

Google Ads Editor adds alerts to active ad groups in running Video-Drive Conversions campaigns that contain any active keywords, topics, placements, mobile apps, mobile app categories, YouTube videos, YouTube channels or video lineups. It’s recommended that you remove any of these types of criteria.

Updates to audience targeting

For ad groups using new types of audience targeting, such as “Audience (grouped)” targeting, you can choose which grouped audience to target. For new groups, you can choose whether the ad group should use grouped targeting, or the older audience segments.

Target CPA recommendations for Display, VAC, Discovery

For some accounts, Google may provide Target CPA bid recommendations for new Display, Video Action (also known as “Video - Drive conversions”), and Discovery campaigns. When creating a new campaign of these types, Editor automatically fills the CPA bid with the recommended value if available, and also shows it in the bid strategy editing dialog.

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