Third Party Authorization Request

* Required field

What is the name of the company being advertised? If you belong to an agency, please provide the name of the company that you’re managing the campaigns for. This will help us route your case to the best available agent.
I am the owner of the trademark or the contact person listed in the Google Ads trademark complaint. *
We only accept authorization requests directly from the trademark owner or from their authorized agents.
If you intend to submit a complaint, please use this form instead: Complaint form.

Contact information

Please do not use this form unless you are the trademark owner or their authorized agent. Trademark owners may also use this form to authorize their own accounts.

We only accept non-conditional authorization requests. Authorization requests that include an expiry date, territorial restrictions or other limitations will be rejected. Authorizations apply to all trademarks and variations included in the trademark owner's complaints on file, and trademark owners may revoke authorizations at any time.
Relationship to trademark owner *
Your email address domain must match a corporate domain or website. If you do not have a corporate email address, you will need to provide a PDF of a signed statement on company letterhead confirming that you are an employee of the trademark owner.
For us to accept complaints or appeals from any other contacts, the trademark owner must provide explicit authorization for you to act on their behalf. Please attach either a signed statement from the trademark owner on their company letterhead that confirms that you are authorised to act on their behalf regarding trademark matters or a power of attorney that confirms you are authorised to act on the trademark owner's behalf. The signed statement or power of attorney should not contain conditions that bring the scope of your authority into question such as an expiry date in the past, territorial exclusions or other restrictions that would apply to the complaint.
If this address does not match the address of the trademark owner as it appears in public records, please provide an explanation of the change in the "Clarifications" section.
Please ensure that you have access to this email address, as you will be asked to verify it.
Invalid email address. Please provide a valid email address.

Trademark Owner (if not Requester)

Please provide us with information about the trademark owner.
Google will use the information you give us to help improve our services, subject to our Privacy Policy.

Trademark details

Please provide us the trademarks at issue. If you have more than 10 trademarks, please list the additional trademarks in the Clarifications section of this form. Please note, we will authorize the entities at issue for all use of your trademarks.

Authorized entities

Please provide us with the Google Ads customer IDs of the entities authorized to use the trademarks listed above. If you want to authorize more than ten entities, please attach a schedule in lieu of filling out this section.
Please do not submit MCC, only CIDs will be reviewed.
Add additional field
Please do not submit MCC, only CIDs will be reviewed.
Please enter only up to 5 additional CIDs only.


Please note we only accept document(s) in .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .pdf, .zip, .csv, .bmp, or .png format.
Legal affirmations *

Please check if you agree with the following statement(s).
IMPORTANT: Please note that we cannot investigate your complaint if you do not check the required box(es).$0
Some account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.
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