আপনি যে পৃষ্ঠাটির জন্য অনুরোধ করেছেন সেটি বর্তমানে আপনার ভাষায় উপলভ্য নয়। আপনি পৃষ্ঠার নিচে অন্য কোনও ভাষা বেছে নিতে পারেন বা Google Chrome-এর বিল্ট-ইন অনুবাদ ফিচার ব্যবহার করে আপনার পছন্দের ভাষায় যেকোনও ওয়েবপৃষ্ঠা অবিলম্বে অনুবাদ করতে পারেন।

Metrics available in the Report Editor for hotel ads

Hotel ads reporting metrics are now available in Google Ads. You can view key performance data at the account, campaign, and ad group level.

Note: You can't view hotel group metrics in Report Editor, but you can view Hotel ID metrics. If you want to view hotel group metrics, click "Hotel groups" in the page menu.

The Report Editor also contains key hotel attributes which you can view in a customized report.

Report Editor metrics

The Google Ads Report Editor now supports hotel attributes. You can create custom reports using many of the featured metrics. The following table provides a list of available hotel attributes found in the Report Editor, along with the definition of each metric.

Report Editor metrics Metric definition
Advanced booking This is the number of days in advance the traveler wants to book the hotel. For example, if the traveler books on August 15 for a stay that begins on August 25, the advanced booking number is 10. This is based on attributes when the search was made and not conversion-time attributes.
Check-in date This is the specific date the traveler intends to begin their stay at the hotel. This is based on attributes when the search was made and not conversion-time attributes.
Check-in day of week This is the day of the week, such as Wednesday or Friday, that the traveler intends to begin their stay at the hotel. This is based on attributes when the search was made and not conversion-time attributes.
Clicks The number of times an ad was clicked by people
Conversions An action that you've defined as valuable to your business after a traveler interacts with your ad (such as online booking)
Cost This is the cost of a single interaction with your ad, such as a click, a conversion, or a view. You define the type of interaction and the cost in your campaign settings.
Country / Territory The country or region where the traveler is located
Traveler-set dates This identifies whether a traveler sets specific travel dates or uses the default dates set by Google.
Device The type of device the traveler is using to search for hotels, such as mobile, desktop, or tablet
Hotel Center account ID This is a unique number representing a partner account in Hotel Center. This was formerly known as partner ID. Your account ID and partner name can be found in the Hotel Center "Account settings" page.
Hotel eligible impressions This is the total number of opportunities your hotel ad was eligible to show (entered the auction) based on the targeting criteria over the specified time period.
  • Some eligible impressions are shown as non-integers (or as fractions such as 1.1 or 51.8) as a result of eligible impressions being split between separate campaigns.
  • If your budget is restricted, you'll have fewer eligible impressions.
Hotel ID This is the unique identifier of the hotel. Hotel ID is assigned by the partner when creating the hotel list. This is based on attributes when the search was made and not conversion-time attributes.
Impressions An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search results page or other sites on the Google Network.
Length of stay This is the number of nights the traveler has selected to stay for. This is based on attributes when the search was made and not conversion-time attributes.
Price bucket This describes how competitive your room rate was.
  • Only price shown: Your price was the only one shown for the itinerary.
  • Uniquely lowest price: You had the lowest price, and no other prices shown were within a certain percentage of that price.
  • Tied for lowest price: You’re within a certain percentage of the lowest price, but so are one or more other advertisers.
  • Not lowest price: Your price isn't within a certain percentage of the lowest price shown, but so are one or more other advertisers.
Note: Travel Promotion Ad traffic isn’t included in any assigned price bucket and returns the value UNSPECIFIED in the Google Ads API. Additionally, for auctions where your bid was too low or you were over budget we return UNSPECIFIED in the Google Ads API.
Hotel rate rule ID This is the identifier of any special price that was clicked on. Travel advertisers can apply conditional rates to specific customers, devices, and countries. For example, you can set a special price for loyalty members or a discount for mobile users.
Hotel rate type This is the type of rate: Public, Private, or Conditional. Review the terminology in Hotel Center.
Hotel class This ranges from 0-star (class not specified) to 5-star. Hotel class is identified by Google and represents the hotel's level of service, not its customer-review rating.
Hotel country The country or broad geographic region of the hotel
Hotel state This is the state or region in a country where the hotel is located. This is only available after subdividing by country or region.
Hotel city This is the city the hotel is located in. You can only subdivide by city after subdividing by country and state.
Avg. lead value This is the average cost of the stay (including taxes and fees), based on impressions resulting in clicks. Only those impressions resulting in a click (from any advertiser in the auction) are included in the average.
Hotel price difference % This is the percentage difference between your average daily price and the average cheapest daily price of your competitors. The hotel price difference may not be defined if the number of impressions with a competitor is zero.

Key performance metrics

The following metrics can be found within your Google Ads performance data at the account, campaign, or ad group level. To view this data in your Google Ads reporting, you can modify columns to select these metrics.

Column name Metric definition
All conv. value The combined value for each conversion action
Search abs. top IS (Impression Share) This is the number of impressions where your ad was in the absolute top location (the very first ad in the hotel ads booking module) divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to compete for in the top location.
Search impr. share The percentage of impressions that your ads received compared to the total number of impressions that your ads were eligible for
Search top IS (Impression Share) This is the impressions you've received in the top position compared to the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to compete for in the top position.
Search lost impression share (rank) This estimates how often your ad didn't show anywhere in the hotel ads booking module, including the unexpanded menu slot, due to poor ad rank.
Search lost impression share (budget) Estimates how often your ad didn't show in the hotel ads booking module because you ran out of budget
Price bucket This describes how competitive your room rate was.
  • Only price shown: Your price was the only one shown for the itinerary.
  • Uniquely lowest price: You had the lowest price, and no other prices shown were within a certain percentage of that price.
  • Tied for lowest price: You’re within a certain percentage of the lowest price, but so are one or more other advertisers.
  • Not lowest price: Your price isn't within a certain percentage of the lowest price shown, but so are one or more other advertisers.
Note: Travel Promotion Ad traffic isn’t included in any assigned price bucket and returns the value UNSPECIFIED in the Google Ads API. Additionally, for auctions where your bid was too low or you were over budget we return UNSPECIFIED in the Google Ads API.
Hotel price difference percentage This is the percentage difference between your average daily price and the average cheapest daily price of your competitors. The hotel price difference may not be defined if the number of impressions with a competitor is zero.
Click share The clicks you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated maximum number of clicks that you could've received

Related links

If you need help with your booking links, contact us or request to chat with a support specialist.

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