Associations view

The "Associations view" is where you view your asset data within the "Assets" page.

The "Associations view" is currently supported for the following asset types:

  • Sitelink
  • Callout
  • Structured snippet
  • Image
  • Dynamic image
  • Call
  • Lead form
  • Price
  • App

Any time you create any of the above asset types, you can associate them to any of your ad groups or campaigns, or to your entire account. This means that a single asset can have multiple associations.

In the "Associations view", each row contains data that is specific to a single association of an asset, including the ad group, campaign, or account to which it has been associated. If an asset has been associated to multiple ad groups or campaigns, it will be listed multiple times. Use "Associations view" to compare how a single asset is performing from one association to the next. You can also add or remove associations by ticking the boxes next to the associations you want to change, then use the "Remove" and "Add to" drop-down menus.

Tip: You can view information about the creation and modification dates of your assets on the “Assets” page from the "Used since" column. This column shows the date an asset was added to your account, campaign, ad group, or asset group. With these details, you can identify assets that may need refreshing. This column also shows the date an asset was removed or paused.

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