About your Google Ads account limits

Your account has maximum limits on areas such as the maximum number of keywords that you can have. While you'll probably never notice them, bear these limits in mind when planning your future advertising efforts.

This article lists limits for several key areas of your Google Ads account.

Brand list limits

  • 10,000 brand lists per account
  • 10 brand lists per campaign
  • 5,000 brands per brand list

Campaign and ad group limits

  • 10,000 campaigns per account (includes active and paused)
  • 20,000 ad groups per campaign
    • Note: Local campaigns and App campaigns are limited to 100 ad groups per campaign.
  • 20,000 ad group targeting items per ad group
  • 100 Performance Max campaigns per account

Ad limits

  • 300 image or gallery ads per ad group
  • 50 active text and non-image/gallery ads per ad group
  • Four million ads per account (includes active and paused)
  • three enabled responsive search ads per ad group
  • 1,000 listing groups per asset group (Performance Max)
  • 5,000 product groups

Targeting limits

  • Five million ad group targeting items per account (such as keywords, placements and audience lists)
  • One million campaign targeting items per account (such as location targets and campaign-level negative keywords)
  • 10,500 location targets per campaign, targeted and excluded, including up to 500 proximity targets per campaign
  • 20 shared placement exclusion lists per account, with a maximum of 65,000 exclusions per list
  • 65,000 account-level placement exclusions per account (separate from your list, campaign and ad group exclusions)
  • 128,000 total placement exclusions per ad group (this includes the total of your account, list, campaign and ad group exclusions)
  • Three placement exclusion lists for each manager account, with a maximum of 250,000 exclusions per list
  • Five placement exclusion lists for each client account including a manager account, with a maximum of 250,000 exclusions per list. This limit is separate from the 20 placement exclusion lists that can be created within a client account and applied to itself.
  • 11,000 shared budgets per account
  • 25,000 Dynamic Search Ad targets per account
Note: In Google Ads UI, at most 5,000 placements can be added at once. You can add more placements (limits above) but you can't add more than 5,000 placements in one go.

Negative keyword limits

  • 20 shared negative keyword lists per account
  • 5,000 keywords per negative keyword list
  • 10,000 negative keywords per campaign
  • A maximum of 1,000 negative keywords can be applied to Display Network and video campaigns

Limits for business data and feeds

  • Five million rows or feed items per account for dynamic ads, ETA ad customisers and assets
  • 40 responsive search ads (RSA) ad customiser attributes
  • 100 user-generated feeds or business data sets per account
  • 3,000 bytes per attribute (roughly 750–3,000 characters depending on the byte size of the character)

Ad asset limits

  • 250,000 ad group-level assets per account
  • 50,000 campaign-level assets per account
  • 10,000 ad group-level assets per campaign
Example: Let's say that you have one campaign with an asset containing eight sitelinks. Then you add these same sitelinks to another campaign and also to 10 ad groups in a third campaign. Now, your account has eight feed items, two campaign-level assets and 10 ad group-level assets.

Manager account limits

All manager accounts can be linked to a maximum of 85,000 non-manager accounts, including both active and inactive or cancelled accounts. The maximum number of active non-manager accounts your top-level manager account can be linked to is based on your accounts’ total monthly spend over the last 12 months. Learn more about account limits for manager accounts.

Account linking limits

  • 500 Google Ads accounts per Merchant Center account

Additional limits

Notwithstanding the above, certain combinations of campaign or creative structures, or the rate and frequency at which they are created or updated, may undermine the stability of our systems and processes, thereby interfering (or attempting to interfere) with the functioning of our programmes.

For example:

  • Generating a large number of ad groups or campaigns with few creatives or keywords in each
  • Generating responsive ads with significant combinations of creative content, assets, destinations or keywords
  • Updating campaign and creative attributes, such as targeting URLs, frequently or with a high rate of change
  • Uploading a large volume of keywords, ad groups or campaigns across accounts
Note: If advertisers undermine the stability of our ads systems or processes, Google may implement immediate measures to maintain the stability of its systems, such as throttling or excluding specific ad entities. When appropriate, Google may issue a notification to involved advertisers with specific details to remediate the issue.

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