Reactivate an account suspended due to unpaid invoices

How to tell which invoices are overdue

If you’ve received an email from Google Collections that lists your unpaid invoices, refer to that to identify the overdue invoices. You can also contact our dedicated team regarding your invoice payments, suspensions and statement of account by filling our billing support form. Once you submit the form, the team will respond within 48 hours.

Note: Only accounts on monthly invoicing should use this form to contact the billing team.

If your payment isn't showing in your account

If you paid the overdue invoices, but your account hasn’t been reactivated, contact us using this form. Make sure to have the following information available:

  • Your Google Ads customer ID (CID)
  • A proof of payment
  • A list of amounts and invoices paid

Keep in mind that it could take a number of days for your payment to be received and processed.

If you have more than one account, you could have overdue invoices in more than one of those accounts. Be sure to check all of your accounts for outstanding invoices.

If no payment is received

If your payment is not received in full, Google may work with an external collections agency who might send you a combination of letters and emails that request payment on behalf of Google.

Proof of payment

Valid proof of payment is a confirmation of wire transfer or check payment that shows all of the information listed below.

For wire transfer

Send a bank confirmation showing information listed below. Screenshots from accounts payable systems, such as SAP, Oracle, or SAGE will only be considered a valid proof of payment if they contain all of these details.

  • Payee details (account number and name)
  • Payer's name
  • Payment effective date (future dates won’t be accepted)
  • Amount paid
  • Bank transaction or confirmation code
  • Payment Status (It must indicate the transaction has been already executed, any status not confirming completeness of payment won't be accepted)

For check payment

Send a copy of your check showing:
  • Payee details
  • Payer’s name
  • Payment date (future dates won’t be accepted)
  • Amount paid
  • Check number
  • Tracking number or FedEx number
Also send remittance advice, with invoice numbers and respective amounts, with your proof of payment. This is not mandatory to reactivate your account or prevent suspension, but it will help us match your payment against an invoice or credit memo in a timely manner.

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