How do I see opportunities to meet my goal?

On your Opportunities tab, you can choose from several common advertising goals. Select the goal that best matches your overall optimization objectives. We'll then show you ideas that might help you accomplish that goal.

To choose a goal, use the drop-down menu next to "Show ideas to meet this goal." Here are the goals to choose from:

  • Balance cost and traffic
    See ideas that are aimed to increase traffic with a minimal change in costs. This goal is selected by default.

  • Maintain or decrease cost
    See ideas that are aimed to help you maintain or decrease your current spend.

  • Increase traffic
    See ideas that are aimed to help you get more traffic to your site.

You can change your choice of goal at any time and might even want to review several different goals. Your choice of goal will be remembered when you visit the Opportunities tab in the future.

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