Ad not showing because it’s waiting for review

We can't show your ad yet because it's still being reviewed. All AdWords ads go through a review process to make sure they comply with our advertising policies and are safe and appropriate for users.

We work hard to review ads as quickly as possible, and we review most ads within 1 business day. Some reviews may take longer because some ads require more complex review.

What you can do

You can continue to check your ad status any time during the review period – this will tell you when your ad has been reviewed and whether or not it’s showing to potential customers. If your ad is under review for more than 1 full business day, please know that we're working on it and will complete your review as soon as we can. You can also contact us after 1 business day and we'll be happy to help you.

You can help prevent further delay by reviewing our policies and making sure your ads and site meet all our requirements. If we find that your ads or site violate our policies, you'll need to revise and resubmit them for review, increasing the amount of time before your ads can run.


We recommend you create your ads a few days before you need them, then pause them. By the time you're ready for your ads to go live, your ads should be through review and you can start showing them by changing your ad status from paused to enabled.

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