About ad formats available in different campaign types

The ad formats available to you depend on your campaign type (App, Display, Discovery, Local, Performance Max, Search, Smart, Shopping and Video) and campaign goal (for example, 'Drive conversions' for Video campaigns or 'App installs' for App campaigns). Learn more about the different campaign types available. Your ads may show on numerous devices, such as mobile, desktop or TV.

Each ad format has its own benefits, whether it's the ease and affordability of running a text ad or the colourful storytelling that comes with video. You can run multiple kinds of ads from the same Google Ads account and, in some cases, from the same campaign.

Ad formats available in a Google Ads account

The description and benefits of the different ad formats are given below:



Words only.*

Ad format chart: Text ad

Main benefits: Maintain ads quickly and easily. Reach customers when they search on Google. Use Ad extensions to provide additional details and contact information that can make your text ads more relevant to customers.


Responsive ads automatically adjust their size, appearance and format to fit available ad spaces. They can transform into text or image ads.
Ad format chart: responsive ad

Main benefits:

  • In a matter of minutes, create ads that fit just about any ad space available. Plus, responsive ads can show as native ads, which boost your impact by blending into publisher’s websites.
  • Responsive search ads are text-based ads that automatically test different asset combinations and learn which combinations perform best.
  • Responsive display ads can be used in Display campaigns and automatically generate ad combinations of your uploaded assets.


Static in JPG or PNG format or animated graphics in GIF format.
Ad format chart: Image ad

Main benefits: Showcase your product or service in a visual way. Reach customers on websites that partner with Google.

App promotion ads

Drive app downloads and engagement with app promotion ads.
Ad format chart: App promotions ad

Main benefits: Send your customers to download your app from an app store, or include a deep link directly into your app. Reach customers when they search on Google (including Google Play), and on websites and apps that partner with Google. Note: Ads will appear only on devices compatible with your content.


Video ads that show online. Run standalone video ads or insert them in streaming video content.
Ad format chart: Video ad

Main benefits: Deliver a rich and engaging experience to customers. Reach customers on websites that partner with Google.

Product Shopping ads

Shopping ads show users a photo of your product, a title, price, shop name and more details about your product.
Ad format chart: Product Shopping ads

Main benefits: Show an ad featuring your product to people shopping online for that product or related products.

Call-only ads

Ad format chart: Call ads

Main benefits: Drive phone calls to your business with ads that include your phone number. People can click these ads and then call your business directly. These ads will only appear on devices that can make phone calls, and any field in these ads can be hidden to fit on smaller screens.

* Text ads might look different on the Display Network.

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