Change how often you're charged

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Troubleshooter for unidentified Google Ads charges

With automatic payments, we charge you whenever your account reaches a certain amount, known as your payment threshold, and on the first day of the month. Your payment threshold might rise if you tend to reach that limit before your next automatic charge. For example, if your threshold is $50 USD and you reach that amount multiple times, the threshold might raise to $200 USD or more.

Find your account's payment threshold

You can find your account's payment threshold by following these steps:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Billing icon Billing Icon.
  2. Click Summary.
  3. The "Summary" page will show your current balance.
  4. The “Next automatic payment” tab can show your payment threshold and the next scheduled automatic payment.

Go to Billing Summary

Change how often you're charged

Some users may have an option to increase their payment threshold above the amount recommended by the system. This option will enable fewer (although possibly higher) charges each month.

To see if this option has been enabled in your account and make changes to your threshold value, use the following steps:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Billing icon Billing Icon.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Open the “How you pay“ section, then click Edit threshold link to view the recommended threshold amount and update your threshold limit.
  4. To set your payment threshold at the recommended amount, click Use recommended amount, then click Save.
  5. You can also set any other payment threshold amount up to a recommended value. When done, click Save.

Keep in mind: If you owe any costs at all, you'll still be charged on the same date each month as your last automatic payment, even if you haven't reached your threshold yet.

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