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Build better experiments with Campaign Guidance

Improve your Google Ads experiments using the new Campaign Guidance feature. Available for Search and Performance Max campaigns, it provides an "Experiment Power" score to show the likelihood of achieving statistically significant results, along with actionable recommendations to improve your experiments and make informed decisions. This feature is available for all Performance Max experiments and Broad Match experiments in Search campaigns.

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With Campaign Guidance, you can:

  • Run more effective experiments: Avoid inconclusive results or unnecessarily long experiment durations.
  • Get actionable insights faster: Make data-driven optimizations and improve campaign performance more quickly.
  • Get personalized recommendations: Adjust budgets, experiment durations, or campaign selections to increase the likelihood of conclusive results.
  • Simplify experiment setup: Get clear, easy-to-understand explanations and actionable steps to run successful experiments.

Ranges of Experiment Power

Experiment Power percentages fall into these categories:

  • Low: 0 - 49% power
  • Medium: 50 - 79% power
  • High: 80% - 99% power

Factors impacting Experiment Power

Factors impacting Experiment Power:

  • Campaign selection: Campaigns with sufficient volumes are necessary for a healthy experiment setup.
  • Campaign variability: Campaigns with consistent performance over time lead to more reliable experiment results.
  • Traffic split: Sufficient traffic volume needs to be in the experiment arm to provide conclusive results.
  • Experiment duration: Experiments should run for a minimum duration based on the campaign volume and traffic to ensure reliable and conclusive results.
  • Experiment type: Test settings like headlines, bidding strategy among others, require variable experiment durations and minimum performance volumes for conclusive results.
Tip: Experiment Power is calculated based on historical campaign data such as spend and conversions, estimated uplift and experiment duration. This calculation is only estimated and could vary in the actual experiment.

Increase your Experiment Power

You can increase your Experiment Power by:

  • Choosing campaigns with sufficient volume: Running experiments with campaigns that have a large enough volume of data (for example, conversions, spend, among others) can significantly increase the power of your experiment.
  • Adjusting the experiment duration: Increasing the duration of your experiment will allow you to gather more data, resulting in higher power.
  • Optimizing the traffic split: For faster results, consider using a 50/50 split between your control and treatment groups.
  • Selecting alternative campaigns: Explore other campaigns with higher volume for your experiment.

How to create an experiment with Campaign Guidance

To optimize your Google Ads campaigns, you can run experiments to determine the most effective settings. Follow these steps.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Experiments.
  4. Click the plus button at the top of the “All Experiments table” and select an experiment type.
  5. In the “Create an experiment” section, select a test type and an eligible campaign as the control arm for your experiment.
    1. Eligible campaigns must be:
      1. Active
      2. Not part of an existing experiment
  6. Provide all other required information. After all information is provided, the system will now calculate the Experiment Power.
  7. Check the power rating displayed on the right panel.
    1. Hovering over the power score provides details about the factors influencing it and how the rating was determined.
    2. Low power is indicated in yellow.
    3. Medium power is indicated in blue.
    4. High power is indicated in green.
  8. Click View for recommended actions to improve your experiment power.
  9. Click the button to collapse the experiment power panel.

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