Late Invalid Traffic credits invoice display settings

To increase transparency and comply with the Media Rating Council (MRC) recommendations, Google provides details of late invalid traffic credits on month-end invoices. However, with the diverse reconciliation methods used by different companies, these additional details can make it harder for some customers to reconcile their invoices. Therefore, Google is now offering Google Ads customers the ability to opt-out of displaying additional details for invalid traffic credits on their invoices.

Default late invalid traffic credits display setting

Google Invoice displaying a late invalid traffic credit detail, aligned with Media Rating Council recommendations.

IVT credits details display setting is toggled to "Off”

Google Invoice displaying a late invalid traffic credit detail, with an opt-out option for Google Ads customers.

How to change the late invalid traffic credits setting on a specific invoice

Before you begin

  • This feature is exclusively for invoicing accounts. To modify this setting, you need admin, standard, or billing access to the manager account.
  • “Invoice format settings” is only available for the billing setups with an “Active” status.
  • It’s recommended to update the setting by the end of the month, before your month-end invoice is generated.
  • Any new billing setup comes with “Invalid activity credit” line items per campaign by default, so each billing setup requires invoice format setting changes according to your preference. If you want to change the default for all future billing setups, refer to the How to change the default late invalid traffic credits setting for all invoices under a payments profile section below.

Steps to update your settings on a specific invoice

  1. In your Google Ads manager account, click the Billing icon Billing Icon.
  2. Click Billing setups.
  3. In the “Billing setups” table, in the “Invoice format settings” column, click the pencil icon Pencil icon / edit icon.
  4. Select the appropriate option for each active billing setup:
    • No invalid activity details: Late invalid traffic credit details won’t display on your invoice.
    • In-line invalid activity details: Late invalid traffic credit details will display on your invoice.

How to change the default late invalid traffic credits setting for all invoices under a payments profile

Before you begin

This feature is exclusively for invoicing accounts. To modify this setting, you need admin access to the manager account. The manager account must also be the Payments profile manager of the particular profile that needs the default setting update.

Steps to update your settings for all invoices under a payments profile

  1. In your Google Ads manager account, click the Billing icon Billing Icon.
  2. Go to the Payments profiles page and click the profile you want to update.
  3. Select your preferred default invoice format setting in the “Invalid activity credits” section.

Payments profile showing an option to choose if the invalid activity credits will be consolidated into 1 line or separately  with additional details.

 4. Click Save.

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