Brand Lift and Search Lift for YouTube TV

Brand Lift and Search Lift are tools available on YouTube TV. They help measure the effectiveness of your video ads or campaigns.

Brand Lift focuses on metrics such as ad recall, brand awareness, and consideration, rather than traditional digital metrics such as clicks, impressions, or views. It can help you align your campaigns with your marketing goals. Learn more About Brand Lift.

Search Lift analyzes organic searches on YouTube and TV campaigns to understand how your ads are influencing users. It provides clear and actionable insights to optimize your investments for both YouTube and TV as it highlights underperforming media investments to enable shifting budget into higher performing activity.

Note: Brand Lift isn’t a requirement to run a Search Lift study. Your study can include a Brand Lift survey, a Search Lift study, or both.

How Brand Lift works

Brand Lift surveys are optimized for TV screens and interactivity with a TV remote for viewers watching on the YouTube main app on CTV devices, as well as the YouTube TV app. This allows for better Brand Lift results for your campaigns.

To activate surveys on CTV devices, no action is needed on your end. You can run campaigns targeting TV devices only, but there’s no way to guarantee that we get enough results for CTV-only campaigns, just like any other format.

YouTube TV campaigns can be measured with Brand Lift. When users are served an ad impression while watching YouTube TV, they can then be surveyed on YouTube TV or the YouTube main app on a signed-in device. These surveys are identical across both YouTube TV and the YouTube main app.

Set up a Brand Lift survey

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon Goals Icon
  2. Click the Measurements drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Lift measurement.
  4. Click the plus button Add.
  5. Enter the product or brand name you’re promoting in the campaign.
    • Note: The product or brand name you use should be specific, for example, "Google Pixel 4" instead of "Pixel". It should match the preferred answer in the survey. If you plan on running multiple surveys for the same product or brand, consider adding a unique identifier for each survey to tell them apart, for example, "Product - Survey 1," "Product - Survey 2," and so on.
  6. Select Brand Lift.
  7. Next to "Survey language", click the drop-down menu and select the survey question language (for example, English). The survey question language should match the language in the video ad associated with your campaign. If you have video ads in multiple languages, you may want to create and associate multiple products or brands—one for each language—with their corresponding video ads.
  8. Under "Survey questions", click the drop-down menus to specify the type of questions that appear when people view your ad.
    • Product or brand type: Select a specific product or brand type, for example, Automotive - Product.
    • Final intended action: Select a specific action that you want people to take for your product or brand, for example, Buy.
  9. Select up to 3 metrics you want to measure in the survey.
    • Ad recall
    • Awareness
    • Consideration
    • Favorability
    • Purchase intent
  10. Under "Survey answers", enter your product or brand name and up to 3 competitor product or brand names. Your product or brand name should be the preferred answer in the survey.
  11. Review the survey questions in the preview window.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Navigate to the campaign and then select Campaign Settings.
  14. Click Edit Campaign.
  15. Under “Lift Measurement”, select the relevant product or brand.
  16. Click Save.

Brand Lift surveys take up to 48 hours to be approved. If the answers have quality issues, for example, an answer is misspelled, or the answers violate Google’s advertising policies, your Brand Lift survey may be rejected. If it’s approved, your Brand Lift survey will start running automatically as soon as your campaigns start running.

Search Lift

For YouTube TV reservation campaigns, you can run Search Lift studies on YouTube TV campaigns for all creative lengths, including 6s, 15s, 30s and 60s formats. For auction campaigns eligible to serve on YouTube TV, any YouTube TV impressions are included in the Search Lift measurement.

Set up a Search Lift study

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon Goals Icon
  2. Click the Measurements drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Lift measurement.
  4. Click the plus button Add.
  5. Enter the product or brand name you’re promoting in the campaign.
    • Note: The product or brand name you use should be specific, for example, "Google Pixel 4" instead of "Pixel". It should match the preferred answer in the study. If you plan on running multiple studies for the same product or brand, consider adding a unique identifier for each study to tell them apart, for example, "Product - Study 1," "Product - Study 2," and so on.
  6. Select Search Lift.
  7. Select the campaigns you wish to include in the study.
  8. Under the “Search Lift settings” section, add 1-3 search terms to each group. Use the enter key to separate terms within the group. Reports are generated for each group of search terms.
  9. To add an additional group of search terms, select Add Another Group.
  10. Click Save.

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