Set up and manage consent

Verify consent mode implementation

This article is for users who have implemented consent mode on their website and want to verify their implementation works.
Refer to the developer documentation to verify app implementations on Android and iOS.

You can verify your consent mode implementation on websites with Google Tag Assistant (recommended). Alternatively, check the Conversions Summary in Google Ads.

Tag Assistant: Verify consent mode implementation

To verify your consent setup for websites, start a new Tag Assistant session:

  1. Open Tag Assistant
  2. Enter your website’s URL. A new tab with your website opens.
    Note: If Tag Assistant says Could not connect, your Google tag or Tag Manager container may be blocked from loading.
  3. On your website, open the cookie banner and accept all.
    Note: If your Google tag or Tag Manager container was blocked, Tag Assistant should now be able to connect to your site.
  4. In Tag Assistant, verify if the page set the default consent correctly:
    1. In the Summary, select the earliest Consent event. 
    2. In the API Call section, check that the following parameters were set: ad_storage, ad_personalization, ad_user_data, analytics_storage
    3. Alternatively in the Output of your tag section, select the Consent tab and check the On-page Default column.
      Screenshot of Tag Assistant showing a default consent call.
  5. Verify if the page updated the consent based on your consent banner interaction: 
    1. In the Summary, select the most recent Consent event.
    2. In the API Call section, check that the following parameters were set: ad_storage,   ad_personalization, ad_user_data, analytics_storage
    3. Alternatively in the Output of your tag section, select the Consent tab and check the On-page Update column. Tag Assistant showing a consent update call
  6. If you have more tags on your website, check which tags fired or were blocked by the consent state:
    1. In the Summary, select the Tags tab.
    2. Click a tag to check if it behaved according to the consent settings.

If you encounter issues, troubleshoot consent mode.

Google Ads: Consent mode status

After consent mode is implemented, you’ll find one of 2 statuses in your conversion diagnostics tab. You’ll find a green checkmark if they are active:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon Goals Icon.
  2. Click the Conversions drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Summary.
  4. In the conversion actions table, click on a Google Ads website conversion action.
  5. On the top page menu, click the Diagnostics tab. You’ll find one of the following consent mode statuses:
    • Consent mode is implemented
      • Your consent mode is implemented but you have not yet met the thresholds for conversion modeling. The click threshold for conversion modeling is 700 ad clicks over 7 days for a domain x country grouping.
    • Consent mode is implemented and modeling is active
      • This status will first be accompanied by uplift data per domain country for 4 weeks after the modeling start date. If you do not find an uplift in those 4 weeks, it could be because you have not yet met the threshold for consent mode impact results. This may be because consent mode hasn’t been implemented for at least 7 full days, or the 4-week window of modeling impact results has passed.
      • After the impact table with your modeling uplift goes away, you will still find the status that consent mode is implemented and modeling is active to validate that consent mode is working.


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