While importing conversions you receive from clicks on your ads into Google Ads, you may encounter some issues. This article explains how to fix discrepancies and errors in offline conversion imports. You can view issues with your conversion imports in your offline data diagnostics page. Learn more About offline data diagnostics.
Before you begin
When importing offline conversions, you may encounter one or both of the following issues:
- Upload errors: Upload errors cause some or all of your conversions from being successfully uploaded to Google Ads. You can view upload errors in your offline conversions diagnostics page. For more details, review the common upload errors below.
- Data discrepancies after a successful upload: After conversions are successfully uploaded, you still may not find all the uploaded conversions reflected in your conversion reporting. There are a number of reasons why conversions may not be processed and reflected in your reporting after being successfully uploaded. For more details, review data discrepancies after successful upload below.
Note: If you use file-based imports you can view your uploaded files on the Uploads page for additional details on upload errors.
How to fix common upload errors
It's common, especially when you're first setting up your conversion import process, to have errors in your uploaded conversions via API, file import, or CRM integration. We recommend all advertisers review the results of their uploads.
Here are common upload errors you may receive and how to fix them:
We only keep the GCLID for 90 days. We recommend you upload more frequently, or if your conversion happens after 90 days, upload a different offline conversion event that happens within 90 days.
You may also receive this error if the conversion is older than your specified conversion window. Learn more About conversion windows.
Make sure that the account you’re uploading to has a conversion action with the name used in your uploads. If you’re uploading “Conversion A” to “Account B”, then “Conversion A” must exist in “Account B”. Furthermore, the conversion action source must be “Import from clicks”.
You can check the source in the “Conversion source” column on your “Conversions” page. If the ad click came to an account within a manager account (MCC) and you're uploading to the MCC account, ensure that the account within the MCC has cross account conversion tracking enabled.
If you’re using a manager account to upload conversions, make sure the account you’re uploading conversions to is linked to your manager account.
If you aren’t using a manager account, make sure your account owns the conversions you’re uploading instead of your manager account. If your manager account created the conversion action, you should use your manager account to upload it.
This means the conversion can’t be attributed to Google Ads.
This error commonly appears when using enhanced conversions for leads to upload conversions keyed by hashed, user-provided data (email or phone). If you’re using enhanced conversions for leads, this error can generally be ignored. Because you’re uploading all your conversions (including organic conversions and those driven by other marketing channels), it’s expected that only a portion of the conversions you upload will be attributed to Google Ads.
However, if all your conversions show this error or if you’re getting much fewer attributed conversions than you expect, it’s likely that there’s an issue with your implementation. Make sure you’re successfully capturing user-provided data on your website.
- Make sure there's no hash for country or zip columns.
- Make all characters in the email addresses lowercase and remove any extra spaces before or after the email addresses.
- All email addresses should contain an at (“@”) sign.
- All email addresses should contain a period (“.”) followed by a top level domain, such as “.com”.
- Email addresses shouldn’t contain spaces.
- Email addresses shouldn’t contain consecutive dots [..].
- Email addresses shouldn’t start or end with a period.
- Email addresses shouldn’t contain accents (for example: è, é, ê, and ë).
- You can use accents in the “First Name” and the “Last Name” fields.
- Phone numbers should be formatted according to the international standard, the E.164 format.
How to fix data discrepancies after successful upload
After you’ve reviewed the “Uploads” page to confirm your conversions are successfully uploaded, you may notice that uploaded conversions are missing from your conversion reporting. You may also notice that there are other differences between your Google Ads reporting and other reporting methods. There are 3 reasons for these discrepancies:
- To report on conversions by conversion date in Google Ads, add the relevant "by conv. time" columns, such as “Conversions (by conv. time)” and “Conv. value (by conv. time)” in Google Ads.
- Don't compare conversions by upload date to reporting in Google Ads since Google Ads doesn’t support conversions by upload date.
- Make sure that the date range in Google Ads is wide enough to capture all the conversions you uploaded, keeping in mind that the date range corresponds to the conversion Impression or Click time.
- Pay attention to time zone differences between your upload and the Google Ads account.
Conversions may not be processed after being uploaded successfully for several reasons:
- Conversion count setting: Conversions with a count setting of “One” means only one conversion per ad interaction is counted. If multiple conversions were successfully uploaded for the same ad interaction, only one will be reported and the rest will be discarded. To check for this, add the column "Repeat Rate" on the “Conversion Summary” page in Google Ads. Then, if you notice a repeat rate is greater than one and has a count setting of "One", that means some conversions were discarded.
- Invalid or spam conversions: Uploaded conversions go through a conversion filtering process, and any that are deemed invalid or spam are discarded.
- Month-end freeze (if using pay for conversions): Conversions that aren't uploaded within the deadline for pay for conversion processing or billing will be discarded. This is specific to campaigns using pay for conversions. Offline conversion uploads aren't recommended when using pay for conversions.