Oct 29, 2019

Why do I have a T Mobile Device Unlock App that I can't uninstall on new Fi Pixel 4XL?

My new, unlocked,  Pixel 4XL on Fi has a "Device Unlock" app on it that I did not install.  My last phone was a Pixel 3XL on Fi and I copied over my apps from that phone.  When I open the App it has a T Mobile banner at the top and says "Welcome to the Network Unlock app!"  With this app you can check your device unlock eligibility and status.  Unlocking your device allows you to use it with any carrier.  I tap the "Check Eligibility" button and then it tells me "Your device is permanently unlocked and allowed to be used with any carrier.  Restart your device if it was previously locked.  You can now uninstall this app to conserve storage."  However I CANNOT uninstall the app.  When I go to the Play store and attempt to uninstall it asks " Do you want to uninstall all updates to this Android System app?"  I know I can disable it, but why is this app on my phone in the first place?
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Last edited Jan 6, 2020
All Replies (23)
Oct 29, 2019
Hi Chris!
WIthout knowing much about your phone or situation, it is possible that the phone was originally destined for distribution through T-Mobile. As such, TMobile's image may have been installed onto the hardware.
To delete it, the best thing to try is going to Settings > Apps> "App Name" > Disable. That will remove the app from the visible app listing (restore it to factory original version).
After that, reboot the phone, try listing the apps, and attempt again to remove the app permanently.
I hope that works for you! Best of luck!
Dec 23, 2019
I have this issue on a pixel 3.
Dec 23, 2019
Same. Pixel 3 XL. I had to do a factory reset while visiting family due to an unrelated mms issue. After the factory reset I have this TMobile app on my phone now and cannot remove it.
Jan 1, 2020
I just joined Google Fi, leaving ATT after many years. I purchased a Google Fi Moto G7 and added 2 of my own phones, a new unlocked Galaxy S10 and an old ATT, S8.
The Moto G7 worked, turned it on and it worked. The S10 I put in the new sim card and it also worked fine. However the S8 has been a problem.
First I forgot to unlock it from ATT, so working with google support, I got it unlocked. I then fired it up, transferring the old number. Once it was up and running, I had a notification that TMobile needed to do a system update. I then noticed a TMobile app had been installed on the phone without my permission. I contacted support via chat about the update and was on there for an hour without resolving a thing. I did not want to do the update, but google support suggested I do it anyway. So reluctantly I hit update, it went through the process, and now I have the same notification, to do the same update after doing it twice.
Just to be clear, this phone came from ATT and has nothing to do with TMobile. I am VERY unhappy at the moment as I have NO agreement to do business with TMobile, my business agreement is with GOOGLE. I do not want the TMobile splash screen/sounds, apps, etc on my phone. If I did I would have simply gone to TMobile and started service there.
When I finished my chat support I asked that this issue be escalated and I was told I would hear back from google support in 24 hours. This was the reply:
"I see that you wish to remove the T-mobile app from your device and you are unable to do the same. I would like to inform you that T-mobile app will not impact any service and it's a default inbuilt app in your device which you won't be able to uninstall it."
NO IT IS NOT "a default inbuilt app in your device". Since when does ATT sell phones with a TMobile app embedded in the device? Since when is it acceptable to install un-removable apps on a phone without permission?
I think I'm about done with my brief dealings with Google Fi. To top it all off I didn't even need a new phone. What a complete waste Google Fi has turned out to be, so disappointing.
Jan 3, 2020
Anyone have a official update on this?
I also got these TMobile apps force installed on my fi bought unlocked Pixel 3 XL after factory reset.
Jan 3, 2020
Yeah, I've had endless issues with my Pixel 3's. On the 4th one already. Last one was a replacement shipped due to an item jiggling around inside phone, and the replacement had Pixel Imprint missing or disconnected somehow. The replacement for THAT replacement came shipped with T-Mobile apps that I can't seem to remove. Fuckin Google man. And they assure me that the devices go through a "very thorough" inspection before they leave the refurbishment... LOL

May have to go back to Apple with this bs, at least they give new devices when there's an issue.
Last edited Jan 3, 2020
Jan 4, 2020
I found a work around to getting the app off the phone.  I also have a Google Pixel 4 XL (factory unlocked) with Google Fi Service at it had the Device Unlock App from T-Mobile and T-Mobile App preinstalled.  T-Mobile was easy to uninstall via traditional methods.  For the Device Unlock App I disabled it and clear the data and cache for the app under setting 'Apps and notifications' and I further dialed the app.  I then restarted my Pixel and went back the 'Apps and notifications' where the Device Unlock App was still displayed with no option to uninstall so I clicked advanced and scrolled all the way down to STORE and it said 'App installed from Google Play Store' so I click that.  From there the Google Play Store granted be the ability to uninstall, so I did.  I restarted my Pixel and went into 'Apps and notifications' to confirm finally that the stupid T-Mobile Device Unlock App is gone.  Victory.  Hope this helps everyone.
Jan 6, 2020
Thank you Eduardo! I was able to uninstall this app by finding its page in the Play store. Though I'm slightly nervous that some of the many, many 1-star reviews indicate the app may come back after being uninstalled, so we'll see if it lasts.

Judging by all those 1 star reviews' content, Google appears to have shipped a fuck ton of devices intended for T-Mobile retail sales to Fi customers purchasing from Google's own store. A poor quality control issue made much worse by the app's non-standard uninstallation process.
Last edited Jan 6, 2020
Jan 12, 2020
UPDATE:  I performed a factory reset and wipe of personal data.  The t-mobile software must be in the boot image along with modified menus and lack of permissions to change anything. You must write a new image to your phone.  Please follow the directions carefully as it is possible brick your phone.  You must follow the directions carefully.  TWRP, AOSP ROM + rooting.

1. open bootloader
2. prepare phone for custom ROM (AOSP) + TWRP recovery
3. flash custom AOSP ROM + rooting
4. dirty flashing AOSP ROM updates
5. recovering from bricks or returning to factory settings
6. Oreo ROM features comparison table.

Search for Motorola Z2 Force to Project Treble ROMs

There was a prompt for t-mobile that I accidentally answered yes to during a series of questions.  I am not able to stop or uninstall the t-mobile app.  I also have a menu with mobile netowork instead of cellular data.  I am not able to change these settings either.  I bought the phone supposedly unlocked.  I will update this or post a new comment if I am able to do a factory reset.
Last edited Jan 12, 2020
Jan 19, 2020
Any updates on this from Google?
This appeared this week on my 3XL.
Jan 31, 2020
I just had to reset my Pixel 3 XL purchased through VZW, now this bull with TMobile shows up as an app under one of my email accounts when Google Play is downloading and updating apps.
Feb 9, 2020
Thanks, Eduardo!
Your workaround—https://support.google.com/fi/thread/18003150?hl=en&msgid=24673310—helped me on my new Pixel 3A.
Last edited Feb 9, 2020
Feb 24, 2020
Thank you Eduardo!!!
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