YouTube Phishing


  1. Slow it down - Scams are often designed to create a sense of urgency. Take time to ask questions and think it through.
  2. Spot check - Do your research to double check the details you are getting. Does what they’re telling you make sense?
  3. Stop! Don’t send - No reputable person or agency will ever demand payment or your personal information on the spot.


Many phishers actively target YouTube creators by impersonating YouTube or exploiting in-platform features to link to malicious content. Phishers have been exploiting the private video sharing feature to send false videos, such as about changes in monetization. The channel sending the video may have generated a name that appears official, but the originating hyperlinked channel would not be an official one. Navigating to the linked video will likely lead to a description containing phishing links in the guise of accessing a document with more information. These links may result in the download of malicious software, or are used to steal user information and credentials. Please note that YouTube will never communicate with creators in such a way.

Please always make sure that the hyperlinks you click lead to sites you are intending to visit. To report inappropriate content on YouTube, please visit YouTube Help.

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