Get the Classroom app

Teachers and students can use the Classroom app on Android and iOS mobile devices. The Classroom app is not currently available for Windows mobile devices.

If you use a Chrome device...

If you use a device running Chrome OS, such as a Chromebook, you don't need to install the app. If you're using a Chrome app to access Classroom, be aware that support for Chrome apps is being removed. Learn more

Install the Classroom app on Android

Your device must have 5.0 Lollipop or later to get the latest version of the Classroom app.

  1. On your device, tap Play Store .
  2. Find and install the Google Classroom app.

Install the Classroom app on iPhone or iPad

Your device must have iOS 11 or later to get the latest version of the Classroom app.

  1. On your device, tap App Store.
  2. Find and install the Google Classroom app.

If you use a device owned by your school...

If your school provides your device and you're having problems installing the Classroom app, contact your administrator.

Do I need any other apps?

To use all the features of the Classroom app, you need Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. To create or join class video meetings, we recommend that you install the Google Meet app. If they aren't already on your device, you can get them from Google Play (Android) or the Apple App Store (iOS).

Install Android apps

Install iOS apps

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