Configura resúmenes por correo electrónico para tutores

Esta página es para profesores.

Tú o tu administrador pueden invitar a los tutores a recibir resúmenes automáticos por correo electrónico sobre el progreso de los alumnos. Tú eliges qué clases incluir en los resúmenes. Solo puedes agregar tutores de alumnos que usen Classroom con una cuenta de Google Workspace. 

Antes de comenzar

Para invitar, quitar o enviar un correo electrónico a los tutores, se requiere lo siguiente: 

  • Tu administrador debe verificar que eres profesor, activar los resúmenes y darte permiso para administrar resúmenes.
  • Para invitar a los tutores, debes usar la versión web o para Android de Classroom. 

Add, remove, or email guardians 

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Turn guardian summaries on or off
  1. Tap Classroom .

  2. Tap the class and thenSettings .
  3. Next to Class guardian summaries, tap the switch On and thenAdd class or tap the switch Off .
  4. If you don't want to turn on summaries for all your current classes and classes you create going forward, uncheck the Add all the classes you teach to guardian email summaries box.

    Note: If you turn summaries on for all classes, it doesn't affect any classes where you previously turned off summaries.

  5. Tap Done.
Invite a guardian

Only one teacher or admin needs to invite the guardian. When a guardian accepts the invitation, they are linked to the student in all of their classes. All verified teachers and admins can see the student’s guardian.

If you can’t invite or remove a guardian, contact your admin for help.

  1. Tap Classroom .

  2. Tap the class and then People .


  3. Tap the student’s name.
  4. At the top, tap More and thenInvite guardians.
  5. Enter the guardian's email address.
  6. Tap the name or tap Add recipient.
  7. (Optional) To invite another guardian, repeat steps 5–6.
  8. Enter your message and then tap Send.
Remove a guardian

Warning: This action removes the guardian from all of the student’s classes at your school, not just the classes that you teach. If guardians don’t want to receive email summaries, they can unsubscribe instead.

  1. Tap Classroom .
  2. Tap the class and then People .


  3. Tap the student’s name.
  4. At the top, tap More and then Remove guardians.
  5. Choose an option:
    • To only remove one guardian, tap Remove.
    • If a student has multiple guardians, select the correct email addresses and then tap Remove.

You, the removed guardian, and the student get a confirmation email when you remove a guardian.

Email guardians

If a guardian accepts your invitation for automatic email summaries, you can also directly email them. 

  1. Tap Classroom .
  2. Tap the class and then People .


  3. At the student’s name, tap More and then Email guardians.

    An email window opens with the email addresses populated in the To field.  

  4. Enter your message and tap Post .
  5. (Optional) To email all guardians, next to Students, tap More and then Email all guardians.
  6. Enter your message and tap Post .

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