How do I sign in to Classroom?

Depending on your learning setting, you can sign in to Classroom with one of the following accounts:

School account

An accredited educational institution creates this account, typically referred to as a Google Workspace for Education account. Your email address looks like ""

If you don't know your Google Workspace for Education account details, ask your teacher or the school’s IT administrator.

Personal Google Account

You or your parent or guardian set up this account. You use a personal Google Account outside of a school setting, such as in a homeschool or club. Your email address looks like ""

Google Workspace account

Your organization’s admin sets up this account. Your email address looks like ""

Tip: Due to privacy laws, parents and guardians can't access Classroom or student assignments. They can get email summaries if the teacher allows it. For details, go to About guardian email summaries.

Ready to sign in?

You must have an active internet connection to sign in. If you already know how to sign in to Classroom, go to Or, follow the detailed steps below.

Sign in for the first time

Sign in to Google Classroom (web)

  1. Go to
  2. Click Go to Classroom.
  3. Enter the email address for your Classroom account.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter your password.
  6. Click Next.
  7. If there is a welcome message, review it.
  8. Click Accept.
  9. If you're using a Google Workspace for Education account, click I’m A Student or I’m A Teacher.
    Tip: Users with personal Google Accounts won’t find this option.
  10. Click Get Started.

Switch to a different account

If you’re signed in to multiple accounts and need to switch to the account that you use with Classroom:

  1. At the top, click your Profile image or Initial.
  2. Select the account.

If you need to sign in with a different user account, go to Sign in to multiple accounts at once.

Get help with specific error messages

Your administrator hasn’t activated Classroom.

You get this error when your administrator hasn’t turned on Classroom for your account. To fix the error, contact your IT administrator.

This service has been disabled by your admin.

You get this error when Classroom isn't activated for your account. To fix the error, contact your IT administrator.

You can’t use Classroom with this account.

You get this error when you sign in to Classroom with the wrong account. To fix the error:

  • Sign out then sign in again.
  • On the mobile app, you're asked to add another account. Sign in with the account that you use with Classroom.
Has your admin activated Classroom? To use Classroom, ask your school’s IT or Google Workspace administrator to activate Classroom for your school.
You get this error when your school doesn't use Google Workspace for Education. To fix the error, before you can use Classroom, your school needs to sign up for Google Workspace for Education.

Access other areas of Classroom

Go to Menu to access:

  • Home : Navigate to your classes.
  • Calendar : Find due dates and access items.
  • To-do : Review work for your classes.
  • Settings : Change your profile photo, password, and notifications.

Tip: To minimize the menu to a collapsed version, at the top left, click Menu .

Start using Classroom

If you’re a teacher, you can create a class. If you’re a student, you can join a class.

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