Invite students to your class

This page is for teachers

You can invite students to enrol in your class in three ways:

  • Send an invite link – students click the link to join.
    This feature is rolling out over the next week. 
  • Send an email invite – students can join from the email or in Classroom. 
  • Share a class code – students enter the code in Classroom.

If students have trouble with the link or code, you can reset it or send students an email invite instead.

For instructions on how to join a class, students can go to Join a class.

Note: Students can unenrol themselves from classes. If they unenrol, their marks are removed.

Invite students 

Invite students with an invite link
When you share an invite link, students can tap the link to join your class.
  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap the class and then Settings
  3. Next to Invite link, choose an option:
    • To automatically add the link to a message, tap Share and then select an app, such as Gmail.
      The link is automatically added to your message.
    • To copy the link so that you can paste it into a message, tap the link.
      The link will copy to your clipboard. Paste it into a message for your students.
  4. Send the message with the link to your students. 

Note: If you don't see the Invite link, make sure that you have Student invite settings enabled.

Invite students with an email invite

You can send students an email invite so that they can join your class. Students can accept the invite in their email or in Classroom.

Note: On Android devices, you can invite individual students but not groups. To invite a group, use the web version of Classroom.

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap the class and then People .
  3. Tap Invite students 
  4. Enter the student's name or email address.
  5. (Optional) As you enter text, an autocomplete list of students might appear.
    To add a student from the list, tap their name or email address.
  6. (Optional) To invite more students, repeat Steps 4 and 5.
  7. Tap Invite.

Note: If you are having trouble adding an email address, it might be outside of your school's domain.

After you have sent the invite, your class list updates to show the names of invited students. 

Invite students with a class code

Each class that you create has a class code. You share the code with students so that they can join your class. To share the code, paste it into an email or write it on the board. 

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap the class and then Settings .
  3. Under General, next to Class code, choose an option:
    • To copy the code so that you can paste it into an email, tap the code.
    • Write the code on the board in your class
  4. Along with the code, give students these instructions:
    1. Sign in to Classroom at
    2. On the homepage, tap Add .
    3. In the box, enter the code that was given to you and click Join.
    4. For more detailed instructions, go to join a class as a student.
Manage your invite link or class code

For each class, you have an invite link and a class code, known as the Invite codes. You can share the invite codes with students, so that they can join the class. 

By default, the invite codes are on (enabled).

You can:

  • Reset invite codes, if you have trouble with them.
  • Disable invite codes, so new students can't join your class.
  • Enable invite codes, so new students can join your class.
    You only need to do this if you have disabled the codes.

Note: When you reset or enable invite codes, Classroom creates new invite codes. The previous codes won't work.

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap the class and then Settings
  3. Under General, next to Student invite settings, tap More and then choose an option:
    • To reset the invite codes, tap Reset invite codes.
    • To disable the invite codes, tap Disable invite codes.
    • To enable your invite codes, tap Enable invite codes.
  4. Tap Save.

For more details, go to invite students with class code or invite students with an invite link.

Invite students from outside the school domain

You can invite students from outside of your school's or organisation's domain in the same way that you invite students from your domain, but your IT administrator has to turn on the setting.

If you're an administrator, to turn the setting on or off, go to configure class settings.

Class size limits

Workspace for Education accounts

For teachers with a Workspace for Education account, Classroom has the following size limitations for each class:
  • Maximum number of teachers: 50
  • Maximum number of members (teachers and students): 1,000

Note: Classroom uses Google Groups for all students and teachers. Each person can only be in a certain number of groups. For more information, see the membership section of understand Groups policies and limits.

Personal Google Accounts

Teachers with a personal Google Account have limits on activity, such as creating classes or inviting students. Learn more about policies and limits.

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