Grade with a rubric

Important: This only applies to assignments graded with Google Assignments.

In Assignments, you can use a rubric to grade and give feedback.

After you start grading, you can’t edit or delete the assignment's rubric.

See a rubric while grading

  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Click the assignmentand thenOpen in Assignmentsand thenthe student's document.
    The file opens in the grading tool.
  4. In the right column, click Grading .
  5. To expand or collapse a criterion’s description, click the Down arrow  or Up arrow .


Select a rating for each criterion

The rubric score automatically updates as you select rating levels.
  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Click the assignmentand thenOpen in Assignmentsand thenthe student's document.
    The file opens in the grading tool.
  4. In the right column, click Grading .
  5. To assign a rubric level for each criterion, choose one:
    • Click a rating level for each criterion.
    • If you’re using the criterion for scoring, enter a number.


Manually change the total grade

You can manually enter a new grade for a student's assignment without changing your level selections.

  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Click the assignmentand thenOpen in Assignmentsand thenthe student's document.
    The file opens in the grading tool.
  4. In the right column, click Grading .
  5. Under Grade, enter the rubric's total score or an adjusted score for the assignment. 

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