Create or reuse a rubric for an assignment

This article is for instructors.

In Assignments, you can create, reuse, view, grade, and share rubrics for individual assignments. You can give feedback with scored or unscored rubrics. If you use scored rubrics, students see their score when you return their work.

To share rubrics with teachers outside your class, use export. For instructions, go to Share a rubric with export and import below.

Add or view a rubric 

Rubric overview

For your reference, this image shows a finished rubric with the parts labelled.
Labelled rubric
Number Name Description Example
1 Criterion title The name of a criterion you're evaluating Introduction
2 Criterion description A brief description of the criterion’s focus The opening paragraph of your essay
3 Level title Under a criterion, the title of a specific performance level. A word, phrase, letter, or number. Excellent
4 Level description Under a criterion, a description of the expectations or characteristics for a specific performance level Uses several introduction strategies to engage the reader and present the topic. Establishes appropriate tone. Includes a clear, well-developed thesis statement.
5 Total rubric points The total points available for the rubric 100
6 Total criterion points The total points available for a criterion 20
7 Level points The points available for a specific criterion level 5

Create a rubric

You can create up to 50 criteria per rubric and up to 10 performance levels per criterion. Before you can create a rubric, the assignment must have a title.  

Important: Before you begin, link your Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals account to Assignments. For details, go to Create an assignment.

  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Create an assignment.
    For more information, go to Create an assignment.
  4. Next to No rubric, click Add and thenCreate rubric.
  5. To turn off scoring for the rubric, next to Use scoring, click the switch to the Off position .
  6. (Optional) If you turned on scoring, next to Sort the order of points by, select how to view the criteria, either descending or ascending in value.
    Note: You can enter levels in any order, and rubrics automatically sorts the levels by value. 
  7. Under Criterion, enter your first criterion. For example, enter Grammar, Teamwork, or Citations.
  8. (Optional) To add a criterion description, click More and thenAdd criterion descriptionand thenenter the description. 
  9. Under Points, enter the number of points awarded for the performance level.
    Note: The rubric's total score automatically updates as you add points.
  10. Under Level, enter a level of performance. For example, enter Excellent, Full mastery, or Level B.
  11. Under Description, enter the performance expectations.
  12. To add another performance level to the criterion, click Add a level  and repeat steps 8–9.
  13. To add another criterion:
    • To add a blank criterion, in the bottom-left corner, click Add a criterion and repeat steps 6–11.
    • To copy a criterion, in the bottom-right corner, click Duplicate criterion and repeat steps 6–11.
  14. To rearrange criteria, in a criterion’s box, click More and thenselect Move criterion up or Move criterion down.
  15. To save your rubric, in the bottom-right corner, click Save.

Reuse a rubric

You can reuse rubrics you previously created. You can preview the rubric you want to reuse, and then edit it in your new assignment. Your edits don’t affect the original rubric. To reuse a rubric, your new assignment needs a title. 

Important: Before you begin, link your Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals account to Assignments. For details, go to Create an assignment.

  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Create an assignment.
    For more information, go to Create an assignment.
  4. Next to No rubric, click Add and then Reuse rubric.
  5. Under Select rubric, click a title.
    Note: To select a rubric from another class, next to your class name, click Down and then select the class.
  6. (Optional) To reuse the rubric, click Select.
  7. (Optional) To view or edit the rubric, click Preview and then choose an option:
    • To reuse the rubric, click Select.
    • To edit the rubric, click Select and Edit and then make your changes and then click Save.
    • To preview other available rubrics in the class, click Back or Next .


See an assignment’s rubric 

  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Click the assignmentand thenOpen in assignmentsand thenthe rubric.
  4. To expand or collapse all criteria, click Expand criteria  or Collapse criteria .
    To expand or collapse individual criteria, click the Down arrow  or Up arrow .
    Expand or collapse criteria

Share a rubric with export and import

Teachers can share rubrics using export and import. The teacher with the rubric exports it, and the teacher that wants the rubric imports it.
  • When you export a rubric, it saves as a spreadsheet in your Google Drive, in a folder called Rubric Exports. If you share the Rubric Exports folder with another teacher, they can import your rubric to their assignment.
  • After you import a shared rubric, you can edit it in your assignment. Your edits don’t affect the original rubric. Don’t edit the shared rubric spreadsheet in the Drive folder. 
Note: Exported rubrics save as Google Sheets in a folder called Rubric Exports in your Google Drive. Don’t edit the spreadsheets or change the file format, or they won’t import properly. You can only import shared rubrics that were created and exported in Assignments. 

Share a rubric with export

  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Click the assignment with the rubric you want to shareand thenclick Open in Assignments.
  4. Under Rubric, click the rubric.
  5. In the top-right corner, click More and thenExport to Sheets.
  6. Click Close  to return to your Assignments homepage.
  7. Click the App Launcher and thenselect Drive .
  8. In Drive, click the folder called Assignmentsand thenchoose an option:
    • To share one rubric, click the Rubric Exports folderand thenright-click the rubric you want to share.  
    • To share your entire Rubric Exports folder, right-click the Rubrics Exports folder.
  9. On the right-click menu, select Shareand thenenter the name or email of teachers you want to share with.
  10. Click Send.

Import a shared rubric

  1. Go to your LMS.
  2. Click the course. 
  3. Create the assignment you want to import the rubric toand thenclick Open in Assignments.
  4. Next to No rubric, click Add and thenImport from Sheets.
  5. Click the rubric spreadsheet you want to importand thenclick Add.
  6. (Optional) Edit the imported rubric in Assignments.
    Note: Don't edit the shared rubric spreadsheet in the Drive folder.
  7. In the top-right corner, click Save.

Edit or delete a rubric 

Edit an assignment's rubric

You can’t edit a rubric after you start grading with it.

  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Click the assignmentand thenOpen in Assignmentsand thenthe rubric.
  4. In the top-right corner, click More and thenEdit.
    Note: This option isn’t available after you start grading with the rubric.
  5. Enter your changesand thenclick Save.

Delete an assignment’s rubric

Note: You can’t delete a rubric after you start grading with it. 

  1. Go to your learning management system (LMS).
  2. Click the course.
  3. Click the assignmentand thenOpen in Assignmentsand thenthe rubric.
  4. In the top-right corner, click More and thenDelete.
  5. To confirm, click Delete.

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