Organize your files in Google Drive

To organize your files in Drive, you can create folders to make files easier to find and share with others.

Note: If you organize a lot of files or folders at once, it might take time for the changes to appear.

There is no correct way to organize your files in Drive. However, below are some general suggestions for how to keep your files in order.

  • Use a naming convention: Keep file names short, simple, and meaningful. You can also add a date, use hashtags, or numbers.
  • Color code folders: Use colors to label folders so you can easily identify the type of file.
  • Create folders and subfolders: Folders help you keep track of files and find them quickly.
  • Drag and drop files: You can drag and drop files into folders.
  • Add descriptions: You can add descriptions to files and folders. To do this, right-click the file or folder and then Click File Information Information and then Details Information. Scroll to the bottom of the side panel and add your description.
  • Use the Star feature: Star important files and folders to quickly access them. To do this, right-click the file or folder and then Click Organize and then Add to starred .

Tips to organize your files:

  • Use folders inside folders: Start with a simple structure and adjust as you need. You could have folders for each project ("Project_1", "Project_2", "Project_3"), and then smaller folders inside for different topics or assignments.
  • Use clear names: Use easy-to-understand names for your files and folders. Use dates (like "YYYY-MM_DD_Project_Notes"), project names ("Book Report_The Forest"), or keywords ("Math Homework_Chapter 5") to keep track of everything.
  • Color code your folders: Use colors to label folders. You can use the same color for similar projects (like using green for projects related to gardening), and so on.
  • Star your favorites: Put a star on files you need to find quickly. You can find all your starred files in one place.

Remember, the goal is to make your Google Drive easy to use and navigate. A simple, organized structure helps you find what you need quickly and efficiently.

Tip: If you organize a lot of files or folders at once, it might take time for the changes to appear.

Create, move & copy files

Create a folder

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. On the left, click New and then Folder.
  3. Enter a name for the folder.
  4. Click Create.

Change the color of your folder

You can customize the color of folders and shortcuts to folders in your My Drive and shared drives. If you change any colors, it only applies to your version of Drive.

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Right-click the folder you want to change.
  3. Click Organize   and then Select the color from the Folder color options.

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