
Google has closed an agreement for Squarespace, Inc. to acquire all domain name registrations from Google Domains. Squarespace is the registrar of record for your domain and the Squarespace’s Terms of Service apply; however Google will manage your domain during a transition period. Following a transition period your domain will be transitioned to Squarespace, and upon transfer, your data will be governed by Squarespace’s Privacy PolicyLearn more about the agreement.

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Send feedback about Google Domains

We strive to make your experience using Google Domains as excellent as possible. We are constantly learning and improving our product. Therefore, your feedback is very valuable to us, even if it is critical. If you have a compliment, an issue, or a suggestion you think can make Google Domains better, please submit feedback or reach out to our support team.

To submit feedback, open the menu Menu and click the Send feedback link in the left column of the Google Domains screen.

If you require assistance and need to reach our support team, follow the directions in contacting support, or you can go directly to the Google Domains contact us page

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