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Feb 12, 2021

Query returns #N/A when sheet is opened - copy&pasting again fixes it. Automatic solution?

Hello fellow googlers,

I have a formula that is returning me a list of items that is contained in a list.  UNIQUE(QUERY('PN ID Match'!A2:B,"SELECT A,B WHERE B matches '"& TEXT(TEXTJOIN("|",1,FILTER(W3:W30,W3:W30<>"",W3:W30<>0)),0)&"' ",0))

It also works and is returning information. However as soon as I close and open it the Query returns an empty output. This can be fixed by deleting the formula and inserting it again. But I need this to work automatically but I cant find a solution around it. Also putting Formula x into IFERROR(x,x) does not fix it. It still returns an empty output.

Any ideas on how to solve it?
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Feb 15, 2021
Hey Gill, 
thanks for comming back to this question.

I created this sample sheet. The formula can be found in Extract 1!X3

Diamond Product Expert Gill K recommended this
All Replies (9)
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Feb 12, 2021
I kept digging and I figured that the mistake comes in place as soon as it is about querying. Everything before works. Also switching on iterative calculation does the trick for some formulas as soon as I open the Google Sheet, which is only partly a solution
Feb 15, 2021
Hi Marcel Brauner,
We would like to help you with this but given the complexity of your formula we need to see a live sample of your problem.  When dealing with QUERY results there are lots of possible problems that can only be determined by directly seeing the data.  Would you please take a look at this post about Best Practices When Asking a Question and share a sheet that has the permissions set for “Anyone with link can EDIT”?  This will also guide you in avoiding sharing any sensitive data.  Thanks!
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Feb 15, 2021
Hey Gill, 
thanks for comming back to this question.

I created this sample sheet. The formula can be found in Extract 1!X3

Diamond Product Expert Gill K recommended this
Feb 15, 2021
I haven't fully traced the logic flow yet, but I think that the issue is a circular dependency, and given that you force recalculations on the hour, as well as with changes, sometimes some of your formulas are returning values, and other times they aren't.  Which you know, of course!
I can't see any reason why you should need the reiterative setting turned on, and I'll keep looking to see what the flow is, and if we can correct this.
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Feb 15, 2021
Can you test some things for me?
Turn off the "Iterative calculation" in Spreadsheet settings.
On the Analysis page, toggle the "Search for ID 2" tickbox on and off, and observe the results.
Do they make sense to you?
When "Search for ID 2" is turned OFF, in Extract 1, V3 (ID Supplier) shows the value from Analysis C3, 10017635.  It feels like it should be the other way around, but that could be that I don't understand the logic regarding ID Supplier.
Your formula in Extract 1 V3 is perhaps conterintuitive:
=IF(Analysis!$H$8 = false, IF(Analysis!C3 = "",0,Analysis!C3),"")
Your condition, Analysis!$H$8 = false,  will be TRUE when it is NOT CHECKED.  I would tend to write it as:
=IF(Analysis!$H$8, action if TRUE,  action if FALSE)
=IF(Analysis!$H$8 = TRUE, action if TRUE,  action if FALSE)
Either method works, of course, but I was confused by your test for false.
Having said all this, with the Search for ID2 checked, and Iterative calculations turned off, is the sheet behaving the way you expect?
Let me know.
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Feb 17, 2021
Thanks for taking the time, I will try it this way!
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Feb 17, 2021
So I made the changes to the IF(...,true,false) and thanks for pointing this out. It definitely does make more sense this way.

So maybe to give you some background information. We have an internal article id and our supplier has his article ids. However the supplier has multiple IDs for the same article. Now when our team should look up this information, we want to make sure that we are considering every information on every article. So if we are looking up their ID, we check which articles these are in our assortment and then do another backwards check to cover every ID. IF we look up our IDs we solely do the backwards check. 

Now - ticking it on and off produces the expected results. For this Sheet this would be totally fine as a workaround however we have another one that uses basically the same formula. This is not actively used but is extracting data and should be able to run in the background and will cause errors. So if there is no fix for this issue, I guess I would need to use another formula where hopefully no error occurs?
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Feb 17, 2021
So I did some changes to the formulas now. I stopped using 'matches' and replaced it with the usual ' = ' combined with a join instead of the Textjoin used previously. This seems to do the trick and the Formulas work already when I open the Spreadsheet.I hope that this will also be aplicable to the other sheet. I will keep you posted. Thanks a lot so far for your help Gill!
Feb 17, 2021
Thanks for the update, Marcel, and I'm glad things are better.
Let me know if you still have any issues, either with the current sheet, or the second one you are referring to.
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