Apr 19, 2023

SUMIF Function for Wins, Games Played, Scores, etc.

I run a volleyball league and have a schedule (sheet 1) and standings sheet (sheet 2). I'd like to have the table at the top automatically calculate Match Wins, Wins, Games Played, Scores from the table below on Sheet 2.

Sheet 1 is the schedule. Bonus points if I can get the teams schedule to automatically line up on Sheet 2. Right now I have used the =. If there is an easier way, I'd love to know.

link to sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15PgXPPZ0TrgkW3g62nMr_W6km2Bzhgcf/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110970385872793732322&rtpof=true&sd=true
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Apr 20, 2023
hi Alison,

The file you linked didn't have edit access so i made a copy here that anyone can edit:

i put in functions in the second sheet that do the math you're looking for.

For the match wins, wins, and scores, i used SUMIFS. For the games played, i counted how many times the team name has a score >=0 in the columns to the right on the schedule.

For the list of teams, i grabbed them from sheet one using a function but not sure it's any more useful than the approach you had. the only difference is that it allows you to add teams or change the order and it sheet 2 will work as desired regardless of those changes.

Hope this is all helpful - please let me know if you need any explanation or clarity on anything i did.

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