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Reply to Trigger notification based on cell value that is static (not a date) compared to current date
Google Docs Editors•2/28/2024
thanks for your question. Are you looking for a cell to the right of the date entered to be populated based on the date in the cell relative to today's date? This is fairly straightforward to do, and the common challenges are related to the format of the dates.
At a high level, there's a function "=today()" that returns today's date. So you can create a condition where the cell returns a message if the date in the other cell (for this example, say $B$10) took place more than 30 days ago
Happy to help further - please share a sample spreadsheet here with a tab showing how you'd like it to look if the functions were working properly.
Google Docs Editors•2/28/2024
This sounds like a question on analysis or data visualization (and not sheets functionality per se). I took a shot at trying to show the data in a visual that i think would be a clear representation of what you're looking to show.
Here's a sample chart:
Here's a sample chart:

Feel free to take a look at the document i worked in here and let me know if you have any questions.
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Reply to Multiple Calculations
Google Docs Editors•4/26/2023
This sounds doable. can you please share the file here so we can take a look and provide a solution?
Google Docs Editors•4/24/2023
This is how i used it in a copy of your doc (because of sharing preferences pointed out by Mr. Shane...
this is in the Sort tab cell A2.
Hope this helps!
Reply to Required column wise array sumifs
Google Docs Editors•3/30/2023
we don't have edit access, but this should do what you're looking for:
enter that formula in cell B4 and it should populate all of column B from 4 down.
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Reply to How to select some data from the drop down list and highlight over the Gantt chart in another sheet?
Google Docs Editors•2/6/2023
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Reply to How to select some data from the drop down list and highlight over the Gantt chart in another sheet?
Google Docs Editors•2/6/2023
my recommendation is to have a formula in the colored cells of the gantt chart that is an if condition:
IF there's a value–when you filter the permissions tab–with the employee name, a leave start date less than the cell's date value, and a leave end date that's greater than the cell's date value,
Then, use your conditional formatting to detect the 1's and make the cell red if it's a 1, or move on to the next formatting rule otherwise.
I'll try adding it to your doc now, in a copy of tab, but that's the idea.
Hope this helps!
Reply to Filter Query of previous month
Google Docs Editors•2/6/2023
I agree with previous commenter - access would be super helpful!
That said, here's my thinking for you:
1. as far as i know, you won't be able to have "month(A)" as the start of your condition - the function MONTH (as far as i know) won't work in the double quotes and as the left hand side of the condition. There's a way around this:
for the array of your query, you can add columns for month and year as follows:
*i spaced it out because of this comment box cutting the width but you can ignore every line break
then, you won't be able to reference columns by their letter anymore, but rather, use: Col1 for A, Col2 for B, etc. You have added two new columns: Col9 and Col10 - these are the month and year.
for your query, you can now write:
=query({Leaveresponse!A1:H,arrayformula(month(Leaveresponse!A1:A)),arrayformula(year(Leaveresponse!A1:A))},"Select * where Col9 = month(now()) and Col10 = year(now())",1)
but you're not done... the bold, italic, underlined text is still flawed, because, like i said before - as far as i know, you cannot include those functions within the double quotes, but there's a way around it:
you need to close the double quotes before the function. then append the function to the double quoted text using the & symbol. then once the function is complete, use & again and reopen the double quotes.
Final product will look like this:
=query({Leaveresponse!A1:H,arrayformula(month(Leaveresponse!A1:A)),arrayformula(year(Leaveresponse!A1:A))},"Select * where Col9 = "&month(now())&" and Col10 = "&year(now())&"",1)
Last small comment - i would change the "now()" function to "today()" just because it doesn't need to keep changing every second - you don't see the change but i imagine it's a new calc every second that may slow the doc down unnecessarily.
Hope this is helpful!
Reply to I have multiple google spreadsheets in this spreadsheet has multiple sheets. How can we combine ?
Google Docs Editors•1/17/2023
Here's how i would do it:
in your master sheet, create a tab for the URLs of all your "children" sheet files. call it your ImportCodes tab. You don't need every sheet to have it's own URL - just the file. so Column A can be the filename (i guess you're naming your files Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.) and then columnB will have the URL for that file.
Next, you want to allow for this master to importrange so you should, in columnC type:
=importrange(B1,"BookA!A1") <<assuming BookA is the name of a sheet in your first file.
and then drag that down - it'll initially give you a #Ref error that will require you to "allow" the importrange to work.
Now that you have access, you can create a new tab in Master: call it BookA. In cell A1, type BookA.
In B1, you can type:
then duplicate this tab and overwrite BookA in A1 to read BookB.
I hope this helps - If you share your file(s), we can help even more!
Reply to How do I change Docs so I see the highlighted cells and cell formula when I click F2, not cell name?
Google Docs Editors•1/17/2023
I believe F2 lets you enter into the formula of a cell.
If you're looking to find which cells contain formulae, you can toggle that view on and off with ctrl+~(same: control+~ on a Mac).
to better understand what you're seeing when you click into the cell you're having trouble with, it would be great if you can share the file with us.
Reply to Creating a Dependent Dropdown List
Google Docs Editors•1/17/2023
I have an idea for you:
you can have the data validation read from a location: say sheetx!A1:A.
Then, have that column (A:A) in sheetx be dependent on an input - so the contents of sheetx!A:A willl change when the value of an input cell are modified.
This can have the same functionality as you're describing in excel. Instead of the tables having absolute locations that you can adjust where you find them to include in your data validation, the data validation will look always in the same place but you populate that place with different lists as you see fit dynamically.
+1 to James's comment - if you can share, we can better assist you.
Reply to eliminate excess characters from end of email addresses ie:! becomes
Google Docs Editors•1/17/2023
if they're all .com:
if you have others:
Reply to Array Formula In Excel
Google Docs Editors•1/17/2023
Reply to Mix of VLOOKUP and PIVOT ?
Google Docs Editors•1/16/2023
=byrow(filter(flatten(arrayformula(answers!A2:A5&"-"&split(byrow(answers!A2:A5;lambda(id;filter(answers!E:E;answers!A:A=id)));",")));flatten(arrayformula(len(split(byrow(answers!A2:A5;lambda(id;filter(answers!E:E;answers!A:A=id)));","))))>1);lambda(x;query(answers!A:E;"Select B,C,D Where A='"&left(x;find("-";x)-1)&"' AND E contains '"&right(x;len(x)-find("-";x))&"'")))
Now it doesn't matter how long each is, as long as the "-" character doesn't exist in either one. i can fix that too if you intend to use that character in your client names or form names.
Reply to Mix of VLOOKUP and PIVOT ?
Google Docs Editors•1/16/2023
This formula works (in your doc, Copy of tab, yellow cell)
=byrow(filter(flatten(arrayformula(answers!A2:A5&"-"&split(byrow(answers!A2:A5;lambda(id;filter(answers!E:E;answers!A:A=id)));",")));flatten(arrayformula(len(split(byrow(answers!A2:A5;lambda(id;filter(answers!E:E;answers!A:A=id)));","))))>1);lambda(x;query(answers!A:E;"Select B,C,D Where A='"&left(x;5)&"' AND E contains '"&right(x;3)&"'")))
Only if the ID is 5 characters uniformly and the client name is 3. I can make it work more generally but wanted to make sure that's needed before doing it. it's done by modifying the second inputs of the left and right functions to be more clever.
Reply to Array Formula In Excel
Google Docs Editors•1/16/2023
try that?
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Reply to Hi, wondering if there is a simple way to create a payroll summary for each employee (dates & pay)
Google Docs Editors•1/12/2023
I added a new tab with it working.
the problem was with the indirect function - it's hardcoded to include the sheetname (by default, there was no value for sheetname since it's on the same sheet. I added the sheetname in quotes within the indirect function on this tab - you should see it in formula in cell A7.