Use keyboard shortcuts in Google Docs to navigate, format and edit.
Note: Some shortcuts might not work for all languages or keyboards.
To open a list of keyboard shortcuts in Google Docs, press Ctrl + / (Windows, ChromeOS) or ⌘ + / (Mac).
Tool finder (formerly Search the menus), press Alt + / (Windows, ChromeOS) or Option + / (Mac).
You can also use menu access keys. Open any application menu using the keyboard, then type the underlined letter for the item you'd like to select. For example, to open the Insert menu on a Mac, press Ctrl + Option + i. To select 'Image', type the underlined letter i.
Common actions |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Paste without formatting | Ctrl + Shift + V |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Insert or edit link | Ctrl + K |
Open link | Alt + Enter |
Show common keyboard shortcuts | Ctrl + / |
Save Every change is automatically saved in Drive |
Ctrl + S |
Ctrl + P | |
Open | Ctrl + O |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Find and replace | Ctrl + H |
Find again | Ctrl + G |
Find previous | Ctrl + Shift + G |
Hide the menus (compact mode) | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Insert page break | Ctrl + Enter |
Tool finder (formerly Search the menus) | Alt + / Alt + Shift + Z Google Chrome: Alt + z |
Repeat last action | Ctrl + Y |
Switch to editing | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Z |
Switch to suggesting | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X |
Switch to viewing | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C |
Zoom in | Ctrl + + |
Zoom out | Ctrl + - |
Zoom 100% | Ctrl + 0 |
Text formatting |
Bold | Ctrl + B |
Italicise | Ctrl + I |
Underline | Ctrl + U |
Strikethrough | Alt + Shift + 5 |
Superscript | Ctrl + . |
Subscript | Ctrl + , |
Copy text formatting | Ctrl + Alt + C |
Paste text formatting | Ctrl + Alt + V |
Clear text formatting | Ctrl + \ Ctrl + Space |
Increase font size | Ctrl + Shift + . |
Decrease font size | Ctrl + Shift + , |
Paragraph formatting |
Increase paragraph indentation | Ctrl + ] |
Decrease paragraph indentation | Ctrl + [ |
Apply normal text style | Ctrl + Alt + 0 |
Apply heading style [1-6] | Ctrl + Alt + [1-6] |
Left align | Ctrl + Shift + L |
Centre align | Ctrl + Shift + E |
Right align | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Justify | Ctrl + Shift + J |
Numbered list | Ctrl + Shift + 7 |
Bulleted list | Ctrl + Shift + 8 |
Checklist | Ctrl + Shift + 9 |
Move paragraph up/down | Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down arrow |
Images and drawings |
Alt text | Ctrl + Alt + Y |
Resize larger | Ctrl + Alt + k |
Resize larger horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + B |
Resize larger vertically | Ctrl + Alt + I |
Resize smaller | Ctrl + Alt + J |
Resize smaller horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + W |
Resize smaller vertically | Ctrl + Alt + Q |
Rotate clockwise by 15° | Alt + Right arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° | Alt + Left arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Right arrow |
Close drawing editor | Shift + Esc |
Comments and footnotes |
Insert comment | Ctrl + Alt + M |
Open discussion thread | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A |
Enter current comment | holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then C |
Insert footnote | Ctrl + Alt + F |
Move to current footnote | holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then F |
Move to next footnote | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then F |
Move to previous footnote | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then F |
Move to next suggestion | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then U |
Move to previous suggestion | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then U |
Review suggested edits | holding Ctrl + Alt, press O then U |
Move to next comment | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then C |
Move to previous comment | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then C |
Open comment history | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A |
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments |
Reply to current comment | R |
Move to next comment | J |
Move to previous comment | K |
Resolve current comment | E |
Exit current comment | U |
Menus |
Context (right-click) menu |
Ctrl + Shift + X |
File menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + F other browsers: Alt + Shift + F |
Edit menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + E other browsers: Alt + Shift + E |
View menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + V other browsers: Alt + Shift + V |
Insert menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + I other browsers: Alt + Shift + I |
Format menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + O other browsers: Alt + Shift + O |
Tools menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + T other browsers: Alt + Shift + T |
Help menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + H other browsers: Alt + Shift + H |
Accessibility menu (present when screen reader support is enabled) |
in Google Chrome: Alt + A other browsers: Alt + Shift + A |
Input Tools menu (available in documents in non-Latin languages) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K |
Show your browser's context menu | Shift + right-click |
Text selection with keyboard |
Select all | Ctrl + A |
Select none | holding Ctrl + Alt, press U, then A |
Extend selection one character | Shift + Left/right arrow |
Extend selection one line | Shift + Up/down arrow |
Extend selection one word | Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right arrow |
Extend selection to the beginning of the line | Shift + Home |
Extend selection to the end of the line | Shift + End |
Extend selection to the beginning of the document | Ctrl + Shift + Home |
Extend selection to the end of the document | Ctrl + Shift + End |
Select current list item | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then I |
Select all list items at current level | Holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then O |
Select multiple sections of text | After selecting one section of text, Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Left/right arrow. Use left/right arrow to move to a separate section of text that you also want to select. |
Text selection with mouse |
Select word | Double-click |
Extend selection one word at a time | Double-click + drag |
Select paragraph | Triple-click |
Extend selection one paragraph at a time | Triple-click + drag |
Screen reader shortcuts
The shortcuts below help you work with a screen reader. Before you use them, turn on screen reader support. Learn how to turn on screen reader support.
Screen reader support |
Enable screen reader support | Ctrl + Alt + Z Alt+Shift + ~ |
Enable braille support | Ctrl + Alt + H |
Verbalise selection | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then X |
Verbalise from cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then R |
Announce cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then L |
Announce formatting at cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then F |
Verbalise table row and column headers | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T, then H |
Verbalise table cell location | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T, then N |
Verbalise table row header | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T, then R |
Verbalise table column header | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T, then C |
Show live edits | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R |
Verbalise comment | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then C |
Verbalise comment anchor | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then A |
Verbalise selection formatting | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then S |
Verbalise cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press A, then L |
Verbalise word count | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press A, then W |
Navigation shortcuts
Two groups of shortcuts below help you move quickly through your document or table:
- Move to the next or previous item with Ctrl + Alt + N or Ctrl + Alt + P followed by another key.
- Move quickly around a table with Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T followed by another key.
Document navigation |
Show outline | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A then H |
Move to next heading | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then H |
Move to previous heading | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then H |
Move to next heading [1-6] | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then [1-6] |
Move to previous heading [1-6] | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then [1-6] |
Move to next graphic (image or drawing) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then G |
Move to previous graphic (image or drawing) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then G |
Move to next list | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then O |
Move to previous list | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then O |
Move to next item in the current list | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then I |
Move to previous item in the current list | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then I |
Move to next link | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then L |
Move to previous link | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then L |
Move to next bookmark | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then B |
Move to previous bookmark | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then B |
Move to next formatting change | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then W |
Move to previous formatting change | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then W |
Move to next edit (while viewing revision history or new changes) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then R Ctrl + Alt + K |
Move to previous edit (while viewing revision history or new changes) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then R Ctrl + Alt + J |
Table navigation |
Move to the start of the table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then S |
Move to the end of the table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then D |
Move to the start of the table column | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then I |
Move to the end of the table column | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then K |
Move to the next table column | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then B |
Move to the previous table column | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then V |
Move to the start of the table row | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then J |
Move to the end of the table row | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then l |
Move to the next table row | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then M |
Move to the previous table row | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then G |
Exit table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then E |
Move to the next table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press N then T |
Move to the previous table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press P then T |
Other tools and navigation |
Open revision history | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H |
Open Explore tool | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I |
Open spelling/grammar | Ctrl + Alt + x F7 |
Open dictionary | Ctrl + Shift + Y |
Word count | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Start voice typing (available in Chrome browsers) |
Ctrl + Shift + S |
Go to side panel | Ctrl + Alt + . Ctrl + Alt + , |
Page up | Page Up |
Page down | Page Down |
Move to next misspelling | Ctrl + ' |
Move to previous misspelling | Ctrl + ; |
Insert or move to header | holding Ctrl + Alt, press O then H |
Insert or move to footer | holding Ctrl + Alt, press O then F |
Move focus to pop-up (for links, bookmarks and images) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then P |
Move focus out of editing area | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M |
Show person or group info | Alt + Right arrow |
Toggle a tick box | Ctrl + Alt + Enter |
Common actions |
Copy | ⌘ + C |
Cut | X |
Paste | ⌘ + V |
Paste without formatting | ⌘ + Shift + V |
Undo | ⌘ + z |
Redo | Shift + Z |
Insert or edit link | ⌘ + K |
Open link | Option + Enter |
Show common keyboard shortcuts | ⌘ + / |
Save Every change is automatically saved in Drive |
⌘ + S |
⌘ + P | |
Open | ⌘ + O |
Find | ⌘ + F |
Find and replace | ⌘ + Shift + H |
Find again | ⌘ + G |
Find previous | ⌘ + Shift + G |
Hide the menus (compact mode) | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Insert page break | ⌘ + Enter |
Tool finder (formerly Search the menus) | Option + / Ctrl + Option + Z |
Repeat last action | ⌘ + Y |
Switch to editing | ⌘ + Option + Shift + Z |
Switch to suggesting | ⌘ + Option + Shift + X |
Switch to viewing | ⌘ + Option + Shift + C |
Zoom in | ⌘ + + |
Zoom out | ⌘ + - |
Zoom 100% | ⌘ + 0 |
Text formatting |
Bold | ⌘ + B |
Italicise | ⌘ + I |
Underline | ⌘ + U |
Strikethrough | ⌘ + Shift + X |
Superscript | ⌘ + . |
Subscript | ⌘ + , |
Copy text formatting | ⌘ + Option + C |
Paste text formatting | ⌘ + Option + V |
Clear text formatting | ⌘ + \ |
Increase font size | ⌘ + Shift + . |
Decrease font size | ⌘ + Shift + , |
Paragraph formatting |
Increase paragraph indentation | ⌘ + ] |
Decrease paragraph indentation | ⌘ + [ |
Apply normal text style | ⌘ + Option + 0 |
Apply heading style [1-6] | ⌘ + Option + [1-6] |
Left align | ⌘ + Shift + L |
Centre align | ⌘ + Shift + E |
Right align | ⌘ + Shift + R |
Justify | ⌘ + Shift + J |
Numbered list | ⌘ + Shift + 7 |
Bulleted list | ⌘ + Shift + 8 |
Checklist | ⌘ + Shift + 9 |
Move paragraph up/down | Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down arrow |
Images and drawings |
Alt text | ⌘ + Option + Y |
Resize larger | ⌘ + Ctrl + K |
Resize larger horizontally | ⌘ + Ctrl + B |
Resize larger vertically | ⌘ + Ctrl + I |
Resize smaller | ⌘ + Ctrl + J |
Resize smaller horizontally | ⌘ + Ctrl + W |
Resize smaller vertically | ⌘ + Ctrl + Q |
Rotate clockwise by 15° | Option + Right arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° | Option + Left arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° | Option + Shift + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 1° | Option + Shift + Right arrow |
Close drawing editor | ⌘ + Esc Shift + Esc |
Comments and footnotes |
Insert comment | ⌘ + Option + M |
Open discussion thread | ⌘ + Option + Shift + A |
Enter current comment | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press E then C |
Insert footnote | ⌘ + Option + F |
Move to current footnote | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press E then F |
Move to next footnote | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then F |
Move to previous footnote | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then F |
Move to next suggestion | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then U |
Move to previous suggestion | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then U |
Review suggested edits | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press O then U |
Move to next comment | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then C |
Move to previous comment | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then C |
Open comment history | ⌘ + Option + Shift + A |
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments |
Reply to current comment | R |
Move to next comment | J |
Move to previous comment | K |
Resolve current comment | E |
Exit current comment | U |
Menus |
Context (right-click) menu |
⌘ + Shift + \ |
File menu | Ctrl + Option + F |
Edit menu | Ctrl + Option + E |
View menu | Ctrl + Option + V |
Insert menu | Ctrl + Option + I |
Format menu | Ctrl + Option + O |
Tools menu | Ctrl + Option + T |
Help menu | Ctrl + Option + H |
Accessibility menu (present when screen reader support is enabled) |
Ctrl + Option + A |
Input Tools menu (available in documents in non-Latin languages) |
⌘ + Option + Shift + K |
Toggle input controls (available in documents in non-Latin languages) |
⌘ + Shift + K |
Show your browser's context menu | Shift + right-click |
Text selection with keyboard |
Select all | ⌘ + A |
Select none | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press U, then A |
Extend selection one character | Shift + Left/Right arrow |
Extend selection one line | Shift + Up/Down arrow |
Extend selection to the beginning of the line | Shift + Fn + Left arrow |
Extend selection one paragraph | Option + Shift + Up/Down arrow |
Extend selection to the end of the line | Shift + Fn + Right arrow |
Extend selection to the beginning of the document | ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow |
Extend selection to the end of the document | ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow |
Select current list item | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then I |
Select all list items at current level | Holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then O |
Select multiple sections of text | After selecting one section of text, Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift + Left/right arrow. Use left/right arrow to move to a separate section of text that you also want to select. |
Text selection with mouse |
Select word | Double-click |
Extend selection one word at a time | Double-click + drag |
Select paragraph | Triple-click |
Extend selection one paragraph at a time | Triple-click + drag |
Screen reader shortcuts
The shortcuts below help you work with a screen reader. Before you use them, turn on screen reader support. Learn how to turn on screen reader support.
Screen reader support |
Enable screen reader support | Option + ⌘ + Z |
Enable braille support | ⌘ + Option + H |
Verbalise selection | holding Ctrl + ⌘ , press A , then X |
Verbalise from cursor location | holding Ctrl + ⌘ , press A , then R |
Announce cursor location | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A, then L |
Announce formatting at cursor location | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A, then F |
Verbalise table row and column headers | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T, then H |
Verbalise table cell location | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T, then N |
Verbalise table row header | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T, then R |
Verbalise table column header | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T, then C |
Show live edits | ⌘ + Option + Shift + R |
Verbalise comment | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A, then C |
Verbalise comment anchor | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A, then A |
Verbalise selection formatting | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A, then S |
Verbalise cursor location | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A, then L |
Verbalise word count | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A, then W |
Navigation shortcuts
Two groups of shortcuts below help you move quickly through your document or table:
- Move to the next or previous item with Ctrl + ⌘ + N or Ctrl + ⌘ + P followed by another key.
- Move quickly around a table with Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift + T followed by another key.
Document navigation |
Show outline | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press a then H |
Move to next heading | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then H |
Move to previous heading | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then H |
Move to next heading [1-6] | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then [1-6] |
Move to previous heading [1-6] | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then [1-6] |
Move to next media (image or drawing) |
holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then G |
Move to previous media (image or drawing) |
holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then G |
Move to next list | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then O |
Move to previous list | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then O |
Move to next item in the current list | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then I |
Move to previous item in the current list | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then I |
Move to next link | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then L |
Move to previous link | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then L |
Move to next bookmark | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then B |
Move to previous bookmark | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then B |
Move to next formatting change | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then W |
Move to previous formatting change | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then W |
Move to the next edit (while viewing revision history or new changes) |
holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then R |
Move to the previous edit (while viewing revision history or new changes) |
holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then R |
Table navigation |
Move to the start of the table | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then S |
Move to the end of the table | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then D |
Move to the start of the table column | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then I |
Move to the end of the table column | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then K |
Move to the next table column | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then B |
Move to the previous table column | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then V |
Move to the start of the table row | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then J |
Move to the end of the table row | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then L |
Move to the next table row | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then M |
Move to the previous table row | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then G |
Exit table | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press T then E |
Move to the next table | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press N then T |
Move to the previous table | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press P then T |
Other tools and navigation |
Open revision history | ⌘ + Option + Shift + H |
Open Explore tool | ⌘ + Option + Shift + I |
Open spelling/grammar | ⌘ + Option + x Fn + F7 |
Open dictionary | ⌘ + Shift + Y |
Word count | ⌘ + Shift + C |
Start voice typing (available in Chrome browsers) |
⌘ + Shift + S |
Go to side panel | ⌘ + Option + . ⌘ + Option + , |
Page up | Fn + Up arrow |
Page down | Fn + Down arrow |
Move to next misspelling | ⌘ + ' |
Move to previous misspelling | ⌘ + ; |
Insert or move to header | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press O then H |
Insert or move to footer | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press O then F |
Move focus to pop-up (for links, bookmarks and images) |
holding Ctrl + ⌘, press E then P |
Move focus out of document text | ⌘ + Option + Shift + M |
Return focus to document text | Esc |
Show person or group info | Option + Right arrow |
Toggle a tick box | Command + Option + Enter |
Common actions |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Paste without formatting | Ctrl + Shift + V |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Insert or edit link | Ctrl + K |
Open link | Alt + Enter |
Show common keyboard shortcuts | Ctrl + / |
Save Every change is automatically saved in Drive |
Ctrl + S |
Ctrl + P | |
Open | Ctrl + O |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Find and replace | Ctrl + H |
Find again | Ctrl + G |
Find previous | Ctrl + Shift + G |
Hide the menus (compact mode) | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Insert page break | Ctrl + Enter |
Tool finder (formerly Search the menus) | Alt + Z Alt + / |
Switch to editing | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Z |
Switch to suggesting | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X |
Switch to viewing | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C |
Text formatting |
Bold | Ctrl + B |
Italicise | Ctrl + I |
Underline | Ctrl + U |
Strikethrough | Alt + Shift + 5 |
Superscript | Ctrl + . |
Subscript | Ctrl + , |
Copy text formatting | Ctrl + Alt + C |
Paste text formatting | Ctrl + Alt + V |
Clear text formatting | Ctrl + \ |
Increase font size | Ctrl + Shift + . |
Decrease font size | Ctrl + Shift + , |
Paragraph formatting |
Increase paragraph indentation | Ctrl + ] |
Decrease paragraph indentation | Ctrl + [ |
Apply normal text style | Ctrl + Alt + 0 |
Apply heading style [1-6] | Ctrl + Alt + [1-6] |
Left align | Ctrl + Shift + L |
Centre align | Ctrl + Shift + E |
Right align | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Justify | Ctrl + Shift + J |
Numbered list | Ctrl + Shift + 7 |
Bulleted list | Ctrl + Shift + 8 |
Images and drawings |
Alt text | Ctrl + Alt + Y |
Resize larger | Ctrl + Alt + k |
Resize larger horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + B |
Resize larger vertically | Ctrl + Alt + I |
Resize smaller | Ctrl + Alt + J |
Resize smaller horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + W |
Resize smaller vertically | Ctrl + Alt + Q |
Rotate clockwise by 15° | Alt + Right arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° | Alt + Left arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Right arrow |
Close drawing editor | Ctrl + Esc Shift + Esc |
Comments |
Insert comment | Ctrl + Alt + M |
Open discussion thread | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A |
Enter current comment | holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then C |
Insert footnote | Ctrl + Alt + F |
Move to current footnote | holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then F |
Move to next footnote | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then F |
Move to previous footnote | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then F |
Move to next suggestion | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then U |
Move to previous suggestion | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then U |
Review suggested edits | holding Ctrl + Alt, press O then U |
Move to next comment | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then C |
Move to previous comment | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then C |
Open comment history | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A |
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments |
Reply to current comment | R |
Move to next comment | J |
Move to previous comment | K |
Resolve current comment | E |
Exit current comment | U |
Menus |
Context (right-click) menu |
Ctrl + Shift + x |
File menu | Alt + F |
Edit menu | Alt + E |
View menu | Alt + V |
Insert menu | Alt + I |
Format menu | Alt + O |
Tools menu | Alt + T |
Help menu | Alt + H |
Accessibility menu (present when screen reader support is enabled) |
Alt + A |
Input Tools menu (available in documents in non-Latin languages) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K |
Text selection with keyboard |
Select all | Ctrl + A |
Select none | holding Ctrl + Alt, press U, then A |
Extend selection one character | Shift + Left/right arrow |
Extend selection one line | Shift + Up/down arrow |
Extend selection one word | Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right arrow |
Extend selection to the beginning of the paragraph | Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow |
Extend selection to the end of the paragraph | Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow |
Select current list item | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then I |
Select all list items at current level | Holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then O |
Select multiple sections of text | After selecting one section of text, Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Left/right arrow. Use left/right arrow to move to a separate section of text that you also want to select. |
Text selection with mouse |
Select word | Double-click |
Extend selection one word at a time | Double-click + drag |
Select paragraph | Triple-click |
Extend selection one paragraph at a time | Triple-click + drag |
Screen reader shortcuts
The shortcuts below help you work with a screen reader. Before you use them, turn on screen reader support. Learn how to turn on screen reader support.
Screen reader support |
Enable screen reader support | Ctrl + Alt + Z Alt + Shift + ~ |
Enable braille support | Ctrl + Alt + H |
Verbalise selection | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then X |
Verbalise from cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then R |
Announce cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then L |
Announce formatting at cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then F |
Verbalise table row and column headers | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T, then H |
Verbalise table cell location | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T, then N |
Verbalise table row header | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T, then R |
Verbalise table column header | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T, then C |
Show live edits | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R |
Verbalise comment | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then C |
Verbalise comment anchor | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then A |
Verbalise selection formatting | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A, then S |
Verbalise cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press A, then L |
Verbalise word count | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press A, then W |
Navigation shortcuts
Two groups of shortcuts below help you move quickly through your document or table:
- Move to the next or previous item with Ctrl + Alt + N or Ctrl + Alt + p followed by another key.
- Move quickly around a table with Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T followed by another key.
Document navigation |
Show outline | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A then H |
Move to next heading | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then H |
Move to previous heading | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then H |
Move to next heading [1-6] | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then [1-6] |
Move to previous heading [1-6] | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then [1-6] |
Move to next graphic (image or drawing) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then G |
Move to previous graphic (image or drawing) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then G |
Move to next list | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then O |
Move to previous list | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then O |
Move to next item in the current list | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then I |
Move to previous item in the current list | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then I |
Move to next link | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then L |
Move to previous link | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then L |
Move to next bookmark | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then B |
Move to previous bookmark | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then B |
Move to next formatting change | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then W |
Move to previous formatting change | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then W |
Move to the next edit (while viewing revision history or new changes) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then R Ctrl + Alt + K |
Move to the previous edit (while viewing revision history or new changes) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press p then r Ctrl + Alt + j |
Table navigation |
Move to the start of the table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then S |
Move to the end of the table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then D |
Move to the start of the table column | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then I |
Move to the end of the table column | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then K |
Move to the next table column | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then B |
Move to the previous table column | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then V |
Move to the start of the table row | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then J |
Move to the end of the table row | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then l |
Move to the next table row | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then M |
Move to the previous table row | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then G |
Exit table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press T then E |
Move to the next table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press N then T |
Move to the previous table | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press P then T |
Other navigation |
Open Explore tool | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I |
Open revision history | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H |
Open dictionary | Ctrl + Shift + Y |
Word count | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Start voice typing | Ctrl + Shift + S |
Go to side panel | Alt + Shift + . Alt + Shift + , |
Page up | Alt + Up arrow |
Page down | Alt + Down arrow |
Move to beginning of document | Ctrl + Search + Left arrow |
Move to end of document | Ctrl + Search + Right arrow |
Move to next misspelling | Ctrl + ' |
Move to previous misspelling | Ctrl + ; |
Insert or move to header | holding Ctrl + Alt, press O then H |
Insert or move to footer | holding Ctrl + Alt, press O then F |
Move focus to pop-up (for links, bookmarks and images) |
holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then P |
Move focus out of document text | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M |
Return focus to document text | Esc |
Show person or group info | Alt + Right arrow |
Toggle a tick box | Ctrl + Alt + Enter |